¨ September 7th
Volleyball Practice
Soccer Practice
¨ September 9th
Volleyball A-team Tournament at Redwood Falls
¨ September 11th
PTF Meeting – 6:30
¨ September 12th
Volleyball Practice
Soccer Practice
¨ September 13th
Fundraising Meeting
Our next PTF Meeting is Monday, September 11th at 6:30.
All are welcome to attend!
PTF is our Parent/Teacher/Friends group that coordinates fundraising opportunities, social events, and support for our school and teachers. We meet monthly on the second Monday of the month.
Is scheduled for Friday, September 15th. Get those haircuts and outfits!
Preschool parents: if you do not have your child signed up to come this day you can either bring your child between 9:30-10:00 just for pictures, or please let Miss Lokensgard know as soon as possible if you would like to add this day to your child’s preschool calendar.
Please remember to bring the $20 sports fee in to school or give it to the coach.
We are asking for $20.00 a player. The fee is used to pay for refs, tournaments, field rentals, shirts, and balls. Make checks out to ILS.
If you would like to serve on our fundraising committee, our next meeting will be Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30 in the meeting room at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Please join us!
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to call Patti Schaefer 320-221-0381
We have several of these throughout the school year as the public school takes more professional development days. Our first one is Friday, September 29th. There will be no bussing this day so please plan accordingly.
If Latchkey is needed (before/after school care) please let Miss Brittany know as soon as possible,
PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard
Preschool had an awesome first two weeks of school. For our first week we met new friends, focused on social skills and sharing. We also have been learning how to walk in a line and taking turns. We learned the letter M and the letter D and what words make those sounds.
The first week we made a lot of shapes and numbers out of playdough and practiced our writing skills in sand.
Our second week we practiced our cutting skills using scissors and using our fine motor skills with lacing cards.
Our bible focus last week was Jesus loves the little children and God created the world. Our memory treasure these past 2 weeks is Let the little children come to me Matthew 19:14.
Next week we are learning about how God made my family special.
K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand
This week our Jesus story is God saves Adam and Eve. Last week we learned how God created perfect world. Adam and Eve were created perfect! The Devil came in the form of the snake and tricked Eve and then Adam into eating fruit from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God Promised to crush the devil by sending his Son, Jesus, to defeat sin, death, and the devil.
Our Memory treasure is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son."
Math is up and learning. In 1st grade they learned left and right, same, similar, and different. We're also looking at smooth and rough. 1st grade math began with equations. We reviewed making a model and then wrote equations from them. We continue to work with "counting on".
In reading, both grades are reviewing all their letters and their sounds.
We are still getting the routine down in the classroom, but we were able to get real classes in! The children have already shown us that they can do it and are excited to keep going. Let's pray they keep it up 😊
2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach
The 2-4 classroom has been working hard and having fun the past week and a half. Last week was a lot of learning, rehearsing, and reinforcing procedures. We also spent a good amount of time talking about classroom expectations, line expectations, and how we treat each other as fellow Christians in our classroom. We talked about having "meaningful conversations", where we use manners and think before we speak.
In Word of God, we have spent a couple of days learning and doing activities to help us learn the days of Creation and appreciate God's almighty power shown through Creation. We learned our first memory treasure, Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth".
In Math, 2nd grade has been working on addition and subtraction strategies. 3rd grade has already dived into multiplication - we will be working on skip counting and memorizing multiplication facts. 4th grade has been studying place value.
2nd Grade started with the Super Kids warm-up unit this week! 3-4 will start reading "How to Eat Fried Worms", and we will be working on comprehension and accuracy strategies with this chapter book.
In Science we are learning about living things and will be looking more specifically at plants this week. Music has been a mixture of reviewing the notes on a staff and learning our church song, "Siyahamba". We did a "practice" Phy Ed class last week so that we know the expectations in P.E., and this week we will start with soccer skills.
5-8th: Mr. Holz
In Math, we have been reviewing working long multiplication problems without a calculator. 5th Graders are working on estimating numbers and using estimation to solve problems. 6th Graders are practicing solving problems using PEMDAS. 7th Graders are working with exponents and scientific notation. 8th Graders are working through the difference between real and imaginary numbers.
In Geography we are working on the United States which will eventually culminate in a map test of all 50 states. This week we will be covering the Northeast.
In Music we will be reviewing the basics and starting work on some of the songs that we will sing throughout the year.
In Science we will work on a tree identification unit. The students will use leaves and bark to identify the trees found around the school and church.
In Grammar we have reviewed the different types of sentences and what is required to have a complete sentence.
In Writing we reviewed how to properly fill out an envelope and how to write a letter which went home over the weekend.
In Reading we have selected two novels that we will work on. 5-6th Grade will be reading “Hatchet” by Gary Paulsen. 7-8th will be reading “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding.