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Writer's pictureBrittany Clark

Newsletter 4/10/2024


¨  April 16th 

Kid Print

¨  April 21st 

Silent Auction – 2:00

Spring Play – 3:00

¨  April 26th 

Parent Drive Day

¨  April 29th 

Softball Practice

3:30 – 5:00

¨  March 1st 

10:00 Start

Parent Drive Morning

¨  March 2nd 

MLC Play

¨  March 3rd 



The Spring Play is Sunday, April 21st, which will consist of the 5-8 play “Madhouse!” and songs by the other grades.

Students should be there by 2:40.

This is also when we will do our silent auction fundraiser.  For the silent auction we ask that each family contribute an auction item. 

***If you already have your items, you can bring them in to the school office at any time but no later than Monday, April 15th so we have time to catalog and set-up. If your item is perishable, please have it to church by 1:00 on the 21st. *** 

A link has been emailed to list your donation items.



Kindergarten and 6th grade plus new students will have the opportunity Tuesday, April 16th to be fingerprinted by the sheriff/police department.  A form will be sent home to sign & return if you’d like your child to participate.



Mrs. Erin Achey who currently teaches at St. Peters Lutheran School in Fond du Lac, WI has made the decision to return/decline our call. 

Another meeting will be held on April 10th at 7:00.


Parent Drive Day is Friday, April 26th. There will be no bussing this day so please plan accordingly.

Lunch will still be provided. 

If Latchkey is needed (before/after school care) please let us know as soon as possible to schedule caregivers.



Thursday, May 2nd all grades will go down to New Ulm to see the play “Alice in Wonderland”.



Friday, May 3rd is our Very Important Person Day, RSVP’s will be sent out in the coming weeks with more information.

Early dismissal at 12:30 on this day – no afternoon bussing or latchkey.



6-8TH graders have a softball tournament on May 16th, in order to prepare for this, they will practice Mondays and Wednesdays after school from 3:30-5:00 starting April 29th.

We will need parent volunteer drivers; this will be an all-day event.

5th graders are welcome to come to school and we will have activities planned for them.

PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard

It's weather week! We are learning about all different types of weather and will be doing some fun science experiments. On Tuesday we will have cotton ball races by blowing into a straw to make wind. On Wednesday we will make a rainbow name activity and for art making our own weather by glueing on what clothes we should wear. Thursday, we have our sensory activity where we will be practicing writing on a chalkboard and erasing it by using the same writing motion.  On Friday we will be practicing writing our first and last name and playing a fun weather memory game. 

The letter of the week is Zz, Shape is Star and we will be focusing on the number 9.  

This week our reward jar should fill up. We will be making fluffy slime. 

Our bible lesson will be Blessed be the King (Palm Sunday). Our memory verse is “Jesus came to save sinners” 1 Timothy 1:15

K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand

This week our Bible lessons are "Jesus' ascension" and "Gift of the Holy Spirit."  We learned that since Jesus' work in earth was finished, he ascended back into heaven.  Before he left, he promised to send the Holy Spirit.  He gave us a job to share everything about Him with the whole world, and he promised to be with us always.   Then after he ascended, he Did bless the apostles with the Holy Spirit, in the form of a flame and wind. We too have the Spirit with us to help our faith grow and give us confidence to share His word.  Matthew 28:20 “Surely, I am with you always until the very end of the age”.  Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear, for I am with you” is our memory treasure.  

For Math, each class is moving on to the next chapter. Kindergarten onto money and 1st grade is moving onto comparing numbers.  

In Reading, kindergarten will be learning Nn for noise and 1st grade is moving on to more vowel pairs, ue and ie.  

Science brought about our own solar eclipse in the classroom, and we discussed what lives in the desert habitat. 

We are writing our opinion paragraphs.  1st grade has started to find their memory treasure IN their Bibles!

2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach

This week in Word of God we are learning about how David showed kindness to Saul, his enemy, and how we can show love to our enemies because of Jesus' love and forgiveness for all of us.

3rd grade is studying more about fractions in math.

2nd grade is learning how to add 3-digit numbers this week!

4th grade is learning about how to add and subtract fractions.

In Social Studies we continue to study the American Revolution. The students have begun a poster to keep track of the different battles and which side won each battle.

In Language Arts, 2nd graders are finishing up their final product of their narrative. They are doing such a careful job and are proud of their hard work! 3-4th graders are learning about adjectives and point of view in literature.

We are getting closer to being ready to perform our bucket drumming and recorder songs for the spring play day!

5-8th: Mr. Holz

Hello Parents, Family and Friends

In Math, 5th Graders are working how to identify prime numbers and prime factorization. 6th Graders are working on polygons. 7th Graders are working with different shapes and angles. 8th Graders are moving into polynomials. 

In History, we will be studying American history between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. We are looking at the War of 1812 and how it affected the nation as it was forming. 

In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures. 

In Grammar we are working on clauses and adverbs. 

In Writing we will be working on how to write in first and third person.

In Reading we will be moving into new novels.

In Spelling the students are working through the 25th section of the workbooks.

The class is working on their play “Madhouse” every day in the afternoon. 

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