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Enrollment Information


Download the below PDF form and fill in all the details.


You can print the completed form and bring it to the school,
mail it to the school at 20849 Walden Ave, Hutchinson, MN 55350
or email it to

Enrollment Policy

All school-age children of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church and Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church are encouraged to attend our school, as well as those of sister congregations and our local community. It is strongly urged that all students attend Kindergarten previous to coming into First Grade. Children must be 5 years old by September 1st to be eligible for Kindergarten. Children will be admitted to the other grades upon presentation of records showing satisfactory completion of earlier grades.

All Preschool students must be at least 3 years of age by September 1st and potty-trained to be eligible for Preschool. The child will be expected to be able to function independently of their parents for the length of the school day before they begin classes.

Families who are not members of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) are welcome to enroll their children in our school. The parents may also attend an adult instruction class so they know what doctrine their children will be taught. At the end of the instructional class, the parents will be given the opportunity to become members if they so desire.
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