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Writer's pictureBrittany Clark

Newsletter 4/24/2024


¨  April 26th 

Parent Drive Day

¨  April 29th 

Softball Practice

3:30 – 5:00

¨  May 1st 

10:00 Start

Parent Drive Morning

Softball Practice

3:30 – 5:00

¨  May 2nd 

MLC Play

¨  May 3rd 


¨  May 6th 

Softball Practice

3:30 – 5:00


Parent Drive Day is Friday, April 26th. There will be no bussing this day so please plan accordingly.

Lunch will still be provided. 

If Latchkey is needed (before/after school care) please let us know as soon as possible to schedule caregivers.



Thursday, May 2nd all grades will go down to New Ulm to see the play “Alice in Wonderland”.

Children must bring a cold lunch this day.



Friday, May 3rd is our Very Important Person Day (which is like our parents/grandparent’s day), RSVP’s have been sent home.  Please return the filled our form by Friday, April 26th.

Snack and lunch will be provided for all.

Early dismissal at 12:30 – no afternoon bussing or latchkey.


5-8th graders have a track meet on May 10th.

We will need parent volunteer drivers, if you’d like to chaperone, please let us know as soon as possible; this will be an all-day event.

Concessions will be available, or they can bring a sack lunch for the day. 



6-8TH graders have a softball tournament on May 16th, in order to prepare for this, they will practice Mondays and Wednesdays after school from 3:30-5:00 starting next Monday, April 29th.

We will need parent volunteer drivers, if you’d like to chaperone, please let us know as soon as possible; this will be an all-day event.

Concessions will be available, or they can bring a sack lunch.

5th graders are welcome to come to school and we will have activities planned for them or they may stay home.

PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard

It's bug week in the preschool room. We are having so much fun learning about bugs. In the science center we have real live dead bugs on the light table, bug puzzel, bug fossils with magnifying glasses and rice and bugs in the sensory table. At circle time we are focusing on the life cycle of a ladybug and the life cycle of an ant.  At the activity center we are making letters out of bugs, ladybug domino games, and making bug patterns. 

Monday- We worked on our phonics page and played following the leader. 

Tuesday- We did our Journal page and we painted a bumble bee and a honeycomb. 

Wednesday- We did a name activity by cutting out letters and gluing them on the paper to spell their name and we spent extra time outside making bug hotels. 

Thursday- We built the letter Xx with blocks and ripped paper to glue inside a cross. 

Friday- At the writing center we will be making a little book about the number 11 and playing bug bingo. 

Our bible story this week is Jesus died on the cross. Our memory treasure is “Forgive us our sins” Luke 11:4. 

K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand

This week our new Bible lesson is Jesus Blesses the Children.  We learned that children hold a special place in Jesus' heart.  He welcomes them to come to Him and He blesses them.  We will review David and Goliath.  We will learn to trust in God above all things even when the task or worry seems impossible.  Our memory treasures are 1 John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us” and Psalm 56:11 "In God I trust. I will not be afraid.”  

In Reading, Kindergarten is reviewing many sight/memory words, and will have a review test.  1st grade is still working on contractions, but also worked with compound words.  

For Math, Kindergarten continues to work on learning each coin and counting them together.  1st grade will finish comparing numbers and move on to adding and subtracting numbers beyond 10 and 20.  

In Science, we finished environments and will take a "test" on them.  We have started incubating our duck eggs.  If everything goes well, we should hatch ducklings on the last week of school.  In Social Studies we continue to look at the way our world changes from the past to the present.  In Art, we made dancing sculptures.              THANK YOU again for all the work you parents did to help you children learn their history lines.  I was very proud of their performance.  We will get to do it one more time at Prince of Peace nursing home next week.  We will go to sing for them and do a craft with some of their residence. 


2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach

This week in Word of God we are learning about Solomon and how he asked God for wisdom. We wrote letters to church and school leaders to tell them that we would pray for them to have wisdom to teach and preach God's Word faithfully.

In Math, 3rd grade is learning about measuring and estimating with liters, grams, and kilograms. 2nd grade continues to work on how to subtract 3-digit numbers. 4th grade is practicing adding, subtracting, and multiplying mixed numbers.

In Social Studies we continue to study the American Revolution. They will each write a "My Side of the Story" letter to talk about what side they would be on and why. Then we will change the paper to make it look old, like it was written during that time period.

In Language Arts, 2nd graders are learning about long "o" words, reading chapter books with their reading groups, and will start planning for an opinion speech. 3-4th grade is learning about different kinds of Adverbs and is putting together a booklet that will show all of the literary elements they have studied this year.

In P.E., we have added a 3rd base to kickball, and will continue to work our way up to a full game.


5-8th: Mr. Holz

Hello Parents, Family and Friends

In Math, 5th Graders are moving into multiplying fractions. 6th Graders are moving into units of measurements. 7th Graders are taking a test of polygons and angle relationships. 8th Graders are moving into the second half of the unit on polygons. 

In History, we will be studying American history between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. We are looking at the War of 1812 and how it affected the nation as it was forming. This week we worked with primary sources from the events of the time.  

In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures. We are also working on music to sing at Harmony River on May 9th.  In Grammar we are working on pronouns.  In Writing we will be working on how to write in first and third person.

In Reading the 5th-6th graders will be reading Roar of Thunder, Hear My Cry. The 7th-8th Graders will be reading Robison Crusoe. 

In Spelling the students are working through the 27th section of the workbooks.

In P.E. the students are preparing for the Track Meet through running and different workouts.

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