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Writer's pictureBrittany Clark

Newsletter 4/8/2024


¨  April 8th 

PTF Meeting - 6:30

¨  April 16th 

Kid Print

¨  April 21st 

Silent Auction – 2:00

Spring Play – 3:00

¨  April 26th 

Parent Drive Day

¨  April 29th 

Softball Practice

3:30 – 5:00

¨  March 1st 

10:00 Start

Parent Drive Morning


Preschool conferences will be April 15-17th. Sign-up has been be emailed.



Our next meeting is Monday, April 8th at 6:30. All are welcome to attend!



The Spring Play is Sunday, April 21st, which will consist of the 5-8 play “Madhouse!” and songs by the other grades. 

A sign-up has been emailed for items needed for the play.

This is also when we will do our silent auction fundraiser.  For the silent auction we ask that each family contribute an auction item. 

***If you already have your items, you can bring them in to the school office at any time but no later than the week before so we have time to catalog and set-up.*** 

A link has been emailed to list your donation items.



Kindergarten and 6th grade plus new students will have the opportunity Tuesday, April 16th to be fingerprinted by the sheriff/police department.  A form will be sent home to sign & return if you’d like your child to participate.


Mrs. Erin Achey who currently teaches at St. Peters Lutheran School in Fond du Lac, WI has made the decision to return/decline our call. 

Another meeting will be held on April 10th at 7:00.



Parent Drive Day is Friday, April 26th. There will be no bussing this day so please plan accordingly.

Lunch will still be provided. 

If Latchkey is needed (before/after school care) please let us know as soon as possible to schedule caregivers.



6-8TH graders have a softball tournament on May 16th, in order to prepare for this, they will practice Mondays and Wednesdays after school from 3:30-5:00 starting April 29th.



Thursday, May 2nd all grades will go down to New Ulm to see the play “Alice in Wonderland”.



Friday, May 3rd is our Very Important Person Day, RSVP’s will be sent out in the coming weeks with more information.

Early dismissal at 12:30 on this day – no afternoon latchkey.

PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard

April is here! For the month of April, I switched our dramatic area to “Flower Shop”. The preschoolers are having fun making flower bouquets and playing in the fairy garden. We are learning that the flowers need lots of water to drink. 

This week we are learning about baby animals and where they live. Our letter we are focusing on is Uu and the number 8

On Tuesday we mixed primary paint colors together to see what colors they turned into. Then we made our own painting using only the 3 colors.  On Wednesday we painted a bunny with white paint and Q-Tip’s. Thursday our bible activity was gluing green tissue paper on a tree then putting Zaccheaus in the tree to see Jesus. 

Our memory treasure is Jesus came to save sinners 1 Timothy 1:15.   

K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand

This week our Bible lessons are "the Empty Tomb" and Doubting Thomas.   We are first reminded of Jesus' great power over death when He rose from the dead.  Then we met Thomas, who even as a disciple, didn't believe Jesus rose.  We found ourselves in the Bible too, as those who have not seen, yet believe.   Our memory treasures were John 14:19 “Because I live, you also will live”.  And John 20:29 “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe”.   

In Math, 1st grade will finish up place value and numbers to 120 with a test on Tuesday.  Kindergarten will also finish up adding to 10 with a test on Tuesday.  

In Reading, kindergarten is learning the Rr for rainbow. 1st grade continues to work with vowel pairs.  Both classes are writing an opinion paragraph. 

In science, we are learning different animal habitats, and though cloudy we will talk a little about the eclipse. In social studies, we talked a little more about the Gettysburg Address they are reciting. In Art, we made our top hats for the show. 

We earned a movie day through being kind and listening well in the classroom, so we enjoyed "A bugs life" with popcorn this Friday.

2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach

This week in 2-4 we are learning about David and Goliath, and David and Jonathan. Some of the themes we will talk about is how God helps us to face "giants" in our life, and how he provides us with Christian friends who uplift us. 

In math, 3rd grade is working on converting fractions to mixed numbers. 2nd grade is working through multi-step addition and subtraction word problems. 4th grade is studying angles and how to measure them.

In Social Studies, we are studying the background of what led the colonists and Britain to start the Revolutionary War. In the coming weeks, we will be reading about events of the Revolutionary War, then watching episodes of "Liberty Kids" to view the events. They will be journaling and taking quizzes to review and assess their understanding. 

In Language Arts, 3-4th grade is studying conjunctions, interjections, and adjectives in grammar, and will study different kinds of conflict in literature. 

In P.E, we are leading up to playing a full kickball game step-by-step. This week we get closer by playing 2-base kickball, so they can focus on how to get people out, and how to be smart kickers/base runners. 

5-8th: Mr. Holz

Hello Parents, Family and Friends

In Math, 5th Graders are working on how to identify prime numbers and prime factorization. 6th Graders are working on angles and triangles. 7th Graders are working with different types of graphs. 8th Graders are working on negative exponents.

In History, we will be studying American history between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. We are looking at the War of 1812 and how it affected the nation as it was forming. 

In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures. 

In Grammar we are working on clauses and adverbs. 

In Writing we will be working on how to write in first and third person.

In Reading we will be moving into new novels.

In Spelling the students are working through the 23th section of the workbooks.

The class is working on their play “Madhouse” every day in the afternoon.

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