¨ September 4th
School Board Meeting
¨ September 5th
Soccer Practice:
3:30 – 5:00
Volleyball Practice:
3:30 – 5:00
¨ September 7th
Volleyball Tournament (A-Team) at Redwood Fals
¨ September 9th
School Pictures
¨ September 9th
PTF Meeting
If you are a bus rider and haven't contacted the bus company - please do so! We have heard from several families that our students were not on their roster or had the wrong pick-up/drop-off locations. 320-587-9989
Also starting next week when bussing is operational, we are asking that when the bus is parked in our lot, please ONLY cross the parking lot IN FRONT of the bus.
On Orientation night and the following weeks, we have sent home forms that need to be filled out, if you have those done, please give them to a teacher or bring them into the office as soon as possible. I will be in contact with you next week if I am still missing anything.
If you haven't already registered: Please use the link below to register to play soccer this fall, this must be done before our first practice on 9/3.
Don’t forget your sports fee: cash or check made out to Immanuel Grace Lutheran School.
If you haven't already registered: Please use the link below to register to play volleyball this fall, this must be done before our first practice on 9/3.
Here is the sign-up for volunteer drivers, if you are available on any given date please click on the link and sign-up.
Don’t forget your sports fee: cash or check made out to Immanuel Grace Lutheran School.
Is scheduled for Monday, September 9th. Get those haircuts and outfits ready!
Preschool Parents: if you do not have your child signed up to come this day you can either bring your child to school between 9:30-10:00 just for pictures or please let Miss Lokensgard or Mrs. Dragt know as soon as possible if you would like to add this day to your child’s preschool calendar.
Order forms will be sent home this week. You can also order online using the code on the order form.
Our next Parent/Teacher/Friends meeting is Monday, September 9th at 6:30. PTF coordinates fundraising, social events, and support for our school and teachers. All are welcome to attend!
Every year the school picks an organization for the children to donate missions too. This year it is St. John’s Lutheran Church & School in Antigua. Mission offering is collected every Friday at Chapel – you will see a large purple and orange thermometer in the cafeteria which will keep track of how much we have received.
We have several of these throughout the school year as the public school takes more professional development days.
Our next Parent Drive Day is Friday, September 27th. There will be no bussing this day so please plan accordingly.
If Latchkey is needed (before or after school care) please contact the school at 320-587-4858 or
PRESCHOOL (3): Miss Lokensgard
W e are in full swing of things in the younger preschool room. We are enjoying learning new songs at circle time and Bible time. We are adjusting well to centers and the routine of the classroom. Our favorite time of course is play-time.
This week we are learning about the letter Ll, circles, the color red and the number 2. This month we are also focusing on what emotions are and what it means to be a good friend.
At the activity center we are practicing our one-on-one counting, finding the letter Ll and marking it with a clothespin, and playing an emotions game.
Our STEM activity on Wednesday is painting with leaves, pinecones, acorns, and bark. We will see what imprints they make with paint and paper.
On Thursday we will be making people with different emotions and how that makes them feel.
On Friday we will be measuring ourselves to see how many pencils tall we are.
Our Bible lesson this week is Creation.
Memory treasure is Let the little children come to me Mark 10:14.
PRESCHOOL (4): Mrs. Dragt
Week two and we are excited!
Preschoolers this week learned the letter Ll , number 1, color red and the shape circle.
Our centers we will be digging through our sensory bin and sorting out numbers, letters and shapes. We also will be using magnets, apple erasers and clothes pins to work on our number and letter games. Show and share this week was bring in a family picture to share with our friends. We are excited to hang them on the board!
On Tuesday we worked on tracing the letter L and played Gotcha in movement. We were working on how to stay within boundaries and listen to directions.
Wednesday- We went on a letter L hunt with magnets. We also learned how to use scissors and glue in art.
Thursday- We worked on tracing the number one and visited the school library!
Friday- We used stickers to build our names! Pastor also came and read us a story!
Our bible lesson is God Created our world. We learned that Day 1 God created day and night, Day 2 he created the sky and separated the sky above from the water. Day 3 God gathered water into seas and dry land appeared and Day 4 he created the sun, moon and stars.
Our Memory Treasure
God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand
So far, so good. Everyone is beginning to figure out the routine. We're adding some more classes to the schedule. Last week, we were able to learn about God creating the world in 6 days, including his more special creations Man and Woman. This week we will learn a little more on how God created Adam and Eve, as well as how God will save them when they mess up God's perfect world. We will memorize at least 1 memory treasure a week. This week our memory treasure is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son."
For Geography we are going to look at "Shapely Minnesota". We will get a chance to look at and explore what our Science and Social studies book will help us learn.
In Music, we are learning our songs that we will sing in the churches.
During Reading, Kindergarten will review all their letters to make sure we remember how to make them, and what sounds each one says. 1st grade will review some CVC words and memory words. They will have some simple text to get back into reading.
In Math, 1st grade will take a look at measurement. Kindergarten will review their numbers 1-20. We might need rest time more this week than last week, but I know they will do great 😊
2-4th: Mr. Loersch
This year for Word of God we are studying New Testament stories, starting from the beginning with the Birth of Jesus. This week we will get to experience the incredible Christmas story in September! The students took home this month’s memory work packet with them. Please study those passages and the hymn with your child at home.
This week in 2nd grade math class we are reviewing concepts from 1st grade, especially working with addition and subtraction doubles. 3rd grade math class is reviewing the relationship between addition and multiplication. The 4th graders are reviewing concepts of place value and working with multi-digit whole numbers.
In Language Arts, 2nd graders are reviewing the Super Kids characters and reading stories using CVC and CVCe words.
3-4th graders are beginning a new novel study on the book, "Stone Fox", and will complete a booklet with Reader’s Response activities throughout the novel.
For art, the students are working on their “Me as a Minifigure” self-portrait. They will present their self-portrait to the class and show how they made their project personal to them.
Finally, in Science, the students are doing an interest inventory followed by a geology unit studying the layers of the earth.
5-8th: Mr. Holz
Hello Parents, Family and Friends
In Math, 5th Graders are starting with place values to the millions. 6th Graders are starting with estimation. 7th Graders are starting with patterns. 8th Graders are starting with basic algebraic terms.
In Science, we are studying cells and organelles. This will prepare us to move into photosynthesis and cellular respiration over the next several weeks.
In Music we will be learning the new song that we will be singing at churches throughout the year.
In Grammar we have completed a pretest and will be starting with reviewing types of sentences.
In Reading, we will be discussing how to properly approach reading a new or challenging book before moving into our novels over the next few weeks.
Spelling will begin when all of the workbooks arrive.