¨ September 29th
Soccer Practice
3:15 – 5:00,
Volleyball Game at Samuel/Marshall - 4:00 (leave at 2:15)
¨ October 2nd
Sing at Immanuel Lutheran Church,
Be there 9:45
¨ October 4th
Volleyball Practice
3:15 – 5:00,
Soccer Game at St. Peter 4:30
¨ October 5th
10:00 START &
Parent Drive Morning
Our first scheduled singing in church is October 2nd at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Please be there by 9:45, the service begins at 10:00.
This is not mandatory, but all children are encouraged to attend so we have enough voices. If you need to leave after singing that is fine as well.
A note will be sent home this week with an absence form as well as upcoming dates.
Wednesday, October 5th is our first Late Start and Parent Drive morning of the school year. School starts at 10:00 these days and therefore no bussing is available in the morning only.
If before school care is needed (Latchkey) please let us know so we can schedule caregivers.
Play scripts went home this week:
1-3rd is doing "A Tree called Aesop” in November and 4-8th is doing "Peter Pan" in April.
Please begin memorizing right away.
Our next meeting will be Monday, October 10th. All are welcome to attend!
We will be discussing the upcoming Fall Festival and our next fundraising opportunities.
October 19th – 21st we do not have school for MEA Weekend.
Mrs. Eckstrand’s Room
This week our Jesus story was "Count the Stars". We learned that Abraham wanted a baby, and God promised Abraham as many descendants as the stars. God never breaks His promises and gave Abraham a son, eventually Jesus would be born from Abraham's family. "With God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26 is our memory treasure.
In Science this week we talked about why we have seasons. God really set us up in the perfect spot in the universe as we move around the sun.
In Social Studies we will touch on natural disasters since the children may be hearing a lot about the hurricanes lately. We'll talk about the community helpers that help everywhere.
Movement this week we will grow on our jumping into a mini obstacle course. Controlling our bodies in order to zig zag, jump, and spin.
In Art we will put down the scissors and work with torn paper to make our Jesus picture.
Preschool: The letter for the week is Ss for Sun, Summer, Snowflake (they'll be here soon) and a Seal. Our number is 8 "make an S close the gate, that's the way we make an 8”.
Kindergarten: Math is numbers 1-5, and Reading is with Superkid Oswald for Oo who likes odd animals.
Mrs. Utsch’s Room
In 1st grade Math we represented subtraction by using the strategies counting back, counting on, adding to subtract, and using 10 to subtract. In Reading we identified initial wh, encoded wh words, and recognized and used question marks.
In 2nd Math we collected and recorded data in tally tables and read and solved problems using picture graphs and bar graphs. In Reading class, we read and spelled le and ng words and discussed the difference between a noun and a verb and used them in sentences.
In 3rd grade Math we multiplied by the factors 2, 4, 5, and 10 and practiced strategies to help solve multiplication problems. In Reading we are reading the novel “How to Be Cool in the Third Grade” by Betsy Duffey.
In Religion we learned how Jesus was baptized. Jesus carried out God’s plan for salvation perfectly, God sent Jesus to be our substitute. We learned that Jesus was tempted by the devil and Jesus did not sin. He lived a perfect life as part of his work to save us.
Mr. Gephart’s Room
Hi Parents, Family, and Friends,
Here is a look into the classroom this week.
In Reading, the 4th-5th graders are reading “Because of Winn-Dixie”. How does a dog effect the life of a young girl? The 6th-8th graders are reading “The Egypt Game”. A love of everything Egypt turns into an epic game and adventure.
In Grammar the students are reviewing prepositions and prepositional phrases.
In Math, the 4th graders are learning about patterns and finding the missing values. The 5th graders are working on long division. The 6th graders are learning to solve equations. The 7th graders are solving equations. The 8th graders are learning how to solve multi-step equations.
In Science, the 4th-5th graders are learning about sound. The 6-8th grades are learning about plant cells and photosynthesis.
In History, the upper graders are studying ancient civilizations. We are currently on ancient Mesopotamia. The lower graders are learning about the start of the United States. We are studying the early Native Americans.
In Writing, we are practicing brainstorming about qualities of a hero.
Next Week’s schedule - Spelling Lesson 6, Memory Work - Psalm 5:11
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday - Spelling Pre-Test
Friday - Spelling Final Test, 5th Math Test (Ch.3)