Our next Parent Drive Day is this Friday, September 27th. There will be no bussing this day so please plan accordingly.
If Latchkey is needed (before or after school care) please contact the school at 320-587-4858 or
DON’T FORGET - September 30th is our fundraiser through Buffalo Wild Wings!
Printed copies of the tickets are in the office.
Every month the whole school uses our talents to beautify the WELS churches in our surrounding area. All families are encouraged to join for each of the
Sundays, please let us know if your family won't make it. We know there are many churches that feed into our school family, we understand if you are able to sing but need to leave after. All are welcome to stay for the entire service. (This is one of the smaller church’s we sing at so seating will be limited)
Our first Sunday is October 6th at Zion Lutheran church just south of Hutchinson, service begins at 8:45, please arrive by 8:30.
2023-2024 YEARBOOKS
Yearbooks from last year are being reprinted due to pages falling out after 1 use. I believe they are sending enough for everyone and once they are in, please pick yours up from the office.
If yours is still in good condition and not damaged, please do not pick up a new one.
Our first Early Release Day is next Wednesday, October 2nd. School will be dismissed at 1:00. Bussing will still be available as well as Latchkey.
If you aren’t already signed up to attend latchkey and will need after school care, please contact the school at 320-587-4858 or
K-1 and 2-4 classrooms will be partnering with McLeod County 4-H, a member would visit once per month. In the lessons, kids will learn about topics in areas like science, health, agriculture, and civic engagement. Examples include:
September: Corn Crazed & Husk Dolls; October: Homemade Ice Cream; November: Pumped for Pumpkins.
Again, this year we will be partnering with SchoolStore to raise funds for tools our students and teachers need in the classroom. Participation is easy through their 100% online email campaign, and your child can earn points towards great prizes.
A packet will be sent home this week with instructions.
Coming home with students is our first Scholastic Book Order of the year. You can order books online at with our class activation code GWWND.
Ordering is completely optional.
Shop Our Class Page:
Shop Digital Flyers for Our Grade with Your Child:
Order Due Date: 10/18/2024
PRESCHOOL (3): Miss Lokensgard
It is the last week of September already. We are starting to talk about how the leaves on the trees are changing and how it’s getting a little cooler. This week is all about our Pets!! During circle time I am having the kids talk about their pets and what their pets like to do at home. We are reviewing the letters Ll, Tt, and Ii and reviewing the shapes circle and square and numbers 1-4.
Bible story- Noah’s Ark. Memory treasure- “I trust in you, O Lord” Psalm 31:14.
Monday- For social studies we learned How to take care of a pet. At the writing center we did our next Scribble Scrabble page. We learned how to scribble a lion's mane. We also had our bible activity on Monday- putting stickers on the Ark.
Tuesday- We are reviewing Mat Man as we learn how to draw him on a whiteboard. At the activity centers this week we are matching the letters by using clothes pins, building blocks to make the correct number tower, and geo boards to make shapes and numbers. Late morning we are meeting in the other preschool room outside for a large motor, we are going to use our strong-arm muscles by shaking a parachute.
Wednesday- At the writing center we are going to practice writing in shaving cream. Our STEM activity is making a textured collage.
Thursday- Name activity this week is finding our name and gluing it on our paper. Art is painting with Q-Tip circles to make a cat or a dog.
Friday- At the writing center Mat Man will help us build letters as we use big lines and little lines. They will also be practicing making numbers with playdough at the activity center. We also will be doing Show-N-share.
PRESCHOOL (4): Mrs. Dragt
This week preschoolers are learning the letter Ff, number 4, color green and the shape oval.
Monday- IN COMING!!!! For our STEM we made catapults out of popsicle sticks, rubber bands and a plastic spoon. The kiddos loved it! We also sorted out uppercase and lowercase letter Ff stickers.
Tuesday- In movement we brought out the parachute and balls and worked as a team to keep the balls moving in the middle of the parachute. We also worked on tracing our letter Ff ‘s Wednesday- For art this week we made pets out of feathers, sequences, cotton balls and more. We also made an exploding number 4!
Thursday- 🎶We built him an Arky Arky 🎶, our Jesus craft was building Noah’s ark with popsicle sticks and filling it up with 2 of each kind of animal! We worked hard on tracing the number 4.
Friday- Show-and-share this week is bring in a picture of your pet! We got down and dirty and worked on writing our names in sand.
Our bible lesson is Noah’s Big Boat. We learned that Noah built an Ark to put 2 of each kind of animal into it along with him and his family because God was going to flood the earth. God sent a rainbow as a promise to never flood the earth like that again.
Memory Treasure: “I trust in you, O Lord” Psalm 31:14
K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand
Our Bible lesson this week is God's Promise to Abraham. God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as many as the stars, and that the Savior would come from his family. Even being very old Abraham and Sarah had a son and named him Isaac. "(God) wants all people to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth" 1 Timothy 2:4 is our memory treasure. We can help by telling our descendants about God's promise too.
In Math, 1st grade just finished their Time unit and will begin Addition and the many strategies to add. Kindergarten will complete their unit on numbers 1-5 this week with a test coming on Tuesday.
In Reading, 1st grade will have their first spelling test on Friday-memory words. They are still reviewing the Superkids' summer stories.
In Social studies, we continue to look at our country's history in its culture and people. In Science, we will look at ways the earth changes. For Geography, we will continue studying MN and all its state things.
We were very thankful to McCleod 4H for helping us extract strawberry DNA. It definitely surprised us with how it looks.
We have started our songs for the November musical... We're having a rough and tumble hootenanny for sure!
2-4th: Mr. Loersch
Hello parents and students!
This week in Word of God we’re learning about John the Baptist and how his work prepared the way for Jesus. We will see how all three persons of the trinity were present at Jesus’s baptism. This highlights the importance of baptism in our lives, too.
In 2nd-grade math, we are focusing on creating repeated addition equations using arrays. 3rd grade math is learning about multiplication’s application to finding area. The 4th graders are using models to solve problems logically to add and subtract six-digit numbers.
In Language Arts, 2nd graders are reviewing contractions and reading Breakout in the Bug Lab.
3-4th grade Language Arts is continuing their study of contractions which will transition into our study of verbs.
In Art class, we are focusing on using the medium of oil pastels to create birch tree forests.
In Science class the students experienced DNA extraction with strawberries from 4H and will learn about the science of fall as our week continues.
5-8th: Mr. Holz
Hello Parents, Family and Friends
In Math, 5th Graders are preparing for their second test. 6th Graders are preparing for their second test. 7th Graders are working with algebraic expressions and tables. 8th Graders are moving into multi-step equations.
In Science, we will be finishing our section on genetics.
In Social Studies we are studying the countries of Europe.
In Music we will be learning the new song that we will be singing at churches throughout the year. We are working on the sign language for the different songs this week.
In Grammar the 5th-6th Graders are working on nouns. The 7th-8th Graders are working on pronouns.
In Reading, we have started our novels. 7th-8th Graders are reading The Magicians Nephew. 5th-6th are reading The Giver.
In Spelling, we are working on the second lesson. The spelling tests are every Friday.