¨ September 21st
Volleyball Game HOME - 4:45
Soccer Game HOME -
¨ September 26th
Volleyball Game HOME - 4:00
Soccer Game at Northwoods – 3:30
¨ September 28th
Volleyball Practice:
3:15 – 5:00
Soccer Game at Arlington – 4:15
¨ September 29th
Parent Drive Day –
No bussing
Please remember to bring the $20 sports fee in to school or give it to the coach.
We are asking for $20.00 a player. The fee is used to pay for refs, tournaments, field rentals, shirts, and balls. Make checks out to ILS.
**Volleyball’s home game on Thursday, September 21st start time has been moved to 4:45**
Flyers have been sent home. You can order using the order form on the flyer or online at
All orders earn free books for our classrooms and library! Place an order of $25 or more and you can pick a FREE $5 book (use code READS at checkout).
Order Due Date: 10/11/23
The children have been practicing their song! Our first Sunday to sing in church is October 1st at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Please have your child/ren to the church basement by 9:45.
Are scheduled for November 7th.
If you still have order forms you’d like to send in, please bring them into school and give them to a teacher and we can mail those.
Our first drive day is Friday, September 29th. There will be no bussing this day so please plan accordingly.
If Latchkey is needed (before/after school care) please let Miss Brittany know as soon as possible,
**LUNCH will still be provided this day; we will have sandwiches. **
FIELD TRIP: PreK – 8th Grade
On Thursday, October 12th all grades will be visiting the Fall Harvest Orchard in Montrose. We will be taking a bus + drivers, leaving just after 11:00 and returning before 3:00.
$10/child is the admission cost– please bring this into school.
**Please also pack a cold lunch for your child this day. **
PRESCHOOLERS: this will be a FULL day option only, if you are not scheduled for a full day on this day and would like to go, please let Miss Lokensgard know to add this day to your schedule.
CHAPERONES: We need about 6 parents to chaperone AND drive upper graders, if you would like to chaperone for this trip please email the school –
PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard
This week's theme is School Week. We are busy learning about the big yellow school bus and things we might see and do at school.
We are focusing on the letter A and the shape Square. We practiced writing the letter A on a chalkboard and writing it on gel bags.
We went on an I spy hunt for things that are red.
Other fun things that we did this week is painting a bus, making a textured sensory mat, playing kickball with a partner and other fun math activities.
Our bible focus this week is Sneaky Snake. We learned that we need to put all our trust in God. Memory treasure this week- “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son” John 3:16.
K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand
This week our Bible story is "God Saves Noah and His Family”. We learned that God, because of sin, destroyed the whole earth with a flood. God had Noah build an ark so that He could keep Noah and his family, and two of every kind of animal safe. Noah and his family thanked God once they were again on dry land. God sent the rainbow as a promise never to flood the whole earth again. Our memory treasure is 1 Timothy 2:3,4 "God, our Savior...wants all men to be saved."
Reading: Kindergarten finished cooking with Cass and just met Oswald. He likes odd animals, especially ones that start with the short O sound. 1st grade finished reviewing their letter sounds and will review some digraph sounds. Coming home today is their first spelling list. Please look for it in their take home folder. The spelling test will be on Tuesday next week.
Math: Kindergarten has done well with recognizing and counting 1-5. Now we make sure we're writing them well too. This will be good review and a good chance to really making our numbers neat. 1st grade is coming to the end of the addition methods. Building models, counting on, making ten, doubles plus one, and memorizing easier facts on our journey. We will have their Modular 1 test on this Friday.
Social Studies we learned how to use our books and will be starting with Rules and Laws.
In Science, we are still investigating our Senses and have been able to use our books.
2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach
This week in Word of God, we continue to follow the steps of Abraham. He had to wait and trust in God that he would give him a son for several decades! What an example this is for us when we struggle to have trust in God.
In math, 2nd graders are discovering how even numbers can be divided into 2 equal groups, while odd numbers cannot. Language Arts this week is contractions, homophones, and writing a "What's New" letter. 3rd grade has been exploring area of rectangles and just started taking timed multiplication tests. This will help them with multiplication fluency.4th grade is reviewing adding and subtracting large numbers. They're doing a great job of remembering the rules from last year.
3 and 4 continue to study comprehension strategies, using their chapter book, "How to Eat Fried Worms". This week they are "prior knowledge", and "retelling".
In Science, we are doing an "animal life cycle hunt". Each group of students is reading about a different kind of animal, and they are "hunting" for the steps of the life cycle of their animal. They will make their own mini book out of the notes that they take.
In Art, we started drawing a picture of sunflowers, fashioned after the work of Vincent Van Gogh. We will add some color this week! Music is studying note values, and in P.E. we continue to learn and practice fitness tasks and soccer skills.
5-8th: Mr. Holz
Hello Parents, Family and Friends
In Math, 5th Graders are moving into Chapter 2 where they will be working with more complex multiplication problems. 6th Graders just took their first test and will be moving into Chapter 2. 7th Graders are finishing their work with solving equations and will be moving towards their first test soon. 8th Graders are working at simplifying problems and solving problems using tables.
In Geography we are working on the United States which will eventually culminate in a map test of all 50 states. This week we will be covering the Southeast.
In Music we will be reviewing the basics and starting work on some of the songs that we will sing throughout the year.
In Science we will work on a tree identification unit. The students will use leaves and bark to identify the trees found around the school and church. The students have used a dichotomous key to identify their fellow students and will now use them to identify trees.
In Grammar we are continuing to work on prepositions and are now moving into verb phrases.
In Writing we combined art with writing. Each student had 5 minutes to write a story and then pass it to the next student. This was done three times. Then each student had 5 minutes to draw a picture about the story and then pass it on. In total, 7 different students worked on each project.
In Reading we have selected two novels that we will work on. 5-6th Grade will be reading “Hatchet” by Gary Paulsen. So far, they have read through Chapter 2 and are working on their reading packets. 7-8th will be reading “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding. They have read part way through the second chapter.
The final spelling books are scheduled to arrive this week so Spelling will follow that hopefully next week. This week the students were given a spelling list with a crossword puzzle and a word search and will have a spelling test on Friday.