¨ September 12th
Soccer Practice:
3:30 – 5:00
Volleyball Game
AT Gaylord – 4:00
¨ September 14th
Soccer Tournament at Redwood Falls
¨ September 17th
Soccer Practice:
3:30 – 5:00
Volleyball HOME Game vs PLS – 4:00 & 4:45
If you have saved as your contact for school, please delete that email and replace it with
The ilschool email is no longer working properly.
If you haven’t looked through the handbook yet this year, please remember to take a look at the dress code section.
Tank top shirts or dresses in particular are not allowed in school, tops of shoulders must be covered. As Christians, we believe that our bodies are a gift from God, and that we should clothe our bodies appropriately. Because of this, all students are expected to dress in a neat, clean, respectful, and modest manner, and follow the school dress code.
Also, if a dress or skirt is worn to school, please ensure that they have attached shorts or shorts are worn underneath.
September 30th is our fundraiser through Buffalo Wild Wings! Supporters may show a ticket or digital image BUT AT LEAST need to mention the fundraiser for dine in or takeout to the staff person at the sports bar for the EWRF receipt to be counted toward the contribution back to our school.
Printed copies of the ticket are in the office
If you haven’t already ordered please do so this week, if you order after Friday – 9/13 you will get charged a late/shipping fee on your order.
Retakes are scheduled for October 21st.
If you’d like retakes, please bring in your printed order.
SCHEDULE CHANGE: October 1st, we play St. Peter - instead of this being a home game it will be held in ARLINGTON.
If you haven't already registered: Please use the link below to register to play soccer this fall, this must be done for all players.
Don’t forget your sports fee: cash or check made out to Immanuel Grace Lutheran School.
We have two games scheduled against PLS, both dates will not be A and B team games. September 17th and October 7th.
The next few weeks are covered but we will need additional drivers for future practices/games – please keep checking your schedule to see if you can drive.
Don’t forget your sports fee: cash or check made out to Immanuel Grace Lutheran School.
We have several of these throughout the school year as the public school takes more professional development days.
Our next Parent Drive Day is Friday, September 27th. There will be no bussing this day so please plan accordingly.
If Latchkey is needed (before or after school care) please contact the school at 320-587-4858 or
PRESCHOOL (3): Miss Lokensgard
This week we are talking about how special our family is. For Show-n-share on Friday the kids will present their family picture to the class. We are also learning about Mat Man. We are learning how to build a person and letters with shapes and lines. We have sun songs and fun dance moves to learn about our bodies.
This week we are learning about the letter Tt, shape square, and the number 3.
Our activity center we are building the letter T out of magnets and erasing it with a magic wand. We are matching blocks and counting them.
On Wednesday our S.T.E.M project we are going to glue down different shapes to make a house. WE are also practicing writing our letter Tt by dobbing paint with a Q-tip.
On Thursday we are going to do free painting with a paint brush. We are also practicing our name at the writing center.
Our bible story this week is God made the world. Our memory treasure is “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son.”
PRESCHOOL (4): Mrs. Dragt
Exploding Monsters, Oh My!
This week preschoolers are learning the letter Tt, number 2, color orange and the shape square.
Monday: We used Q-Tip’s and paint to make the letter T. Also, don’t forget to ask you kiddo about our exploding monster we did in science. We learned when you mix baking soda and vinegar it creates a gas that makes things EXPLODE!!!
Tuesday: The kiddos worked really hard on tracing those letter Tt’s and in Movement we played Hungry, Hungry Hippo with Miss Lokensgard’s class.
Wednesday: We made the number 2 with linking cubes. For Art we read the book “I’m Not Just a Scribble” and made scribble art to match.
Thursday: We traced the number 2, but the best part is when we get to write the number on the big screen when we are done!
Friday: We worked on tracing and finding all the letters in our name with a dobber. Show-and-share this week was bring something in that is blue. I’m excited to see all the fun things they have!
Our bible lesson is God Fills the World. We learned that God created all these wonderful things on days 1-4 but then he filled all of his creation with birds, fish, animals and best of all people.
Our Memory Treasure: “…It was very good.” Genesis 1:31
K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand
This week our Bible lesson focuses on Cain and Able. We hear how each son of Adam and Eve had a different heart towards God. In the end, Cain did not believe and trust in God. This made him angry, which led to hate, and that led to Cain killing Able. God asked Cain many times to confess his sin. Cain chose not to and was sent to wander without a home or good crops. God chose to save Cain from death in order to give him time to turn towards God. Our memory treasure is Luke 11:28 "But he said "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it."
1st Grade math is working on measuring and then comparing their measured objects. Kindergarten is counting and filling in ten frames, as well as working hard at making those numbers.
In writing, both grades are brushing up with their names. The kindergarten is learning that each letter fits in the lines and have different sizes as well as making each letter properly. 1st grade is practicing their full names, and both are working on numbers to 30.
In Social Studies we looked at what past, present, and future means in history and how things changed and could change. I'm waiting for these kids to get the dinosaur car/jet/boat up and running 😊
For Reading, 1st grade has started to review their vowels, and sounds. They also got their books and are learning how the superkids have changed into first graders like them! Kindergarten is working on their Alphabet animals and the sounds those letters make. They will be meeting their first Superkid this week also.
2-4th: Mr. Loersch
This week in Word of God we are continuing our New Testament study with the aftermath of Jesus' birth and the visit of the Magi.
In 2nd-grade math, we are focusing on our mental math fluency and strategies. 3rd grade math is working with representing multiplication in a variety of ways. The 4th graders are studying number lines and place values.
In Language Arts, 2nd graders are beginning work in their Word Work Books and having their first spelling test of the year.
3-4th graders continue their reading and discussion of "Stone Fox", and have begun their freewriting, handwriting, and spelling work for the year.
For Physical Education, students are learning various ways to catch and throw a frisbee. This will culminate in games of ultimate frisbee at the end of the week.
Finally, in science, students are exploring plate tectonics, volcanoes, and the rock cycle.
5-8th: Mr. Holz
Hello Parents, Family and Friends
In Math, 5th Graders are starting with place values to the millions. 6th Graders are starting with estimation. 7th Graders are starting with patterns. 8th Graders are starting with basic algebraic terms.
In Science, we have taken our first quiz on cells. We are now working on photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
In Music we will be learning the new song that we will be singing at churches throughout the year.
In Grammar the 5th-6th Graders are working on nouns. The 7th-8th Graders are working on pronouns.
In Reading, we will be discussing how to properly approach reading a new or challenging book before moving into our novels over the next few weeks.
Spelling will begin when all of the workbooks arrive. If the books do not arrive by Monday, we will start with alternative spelling worksheets.