¨ May 18th
6-8th Softball Tournament in
North Mankato
¨ May 19th
PreK-3rd Field Trip,
Como Zoo
¨ May 22nd
Nurse Visit
¨ May 25th
6:00 Awards/Graduation & Closing Service at Immanuel church
¨ May 26th
Last Day of school!
Dismissal at 12:00
Pizza Lunch
5:00 – 7:00
School Dance at Cedar Mills Gun Club
PreK – 3rd will go to the Como Zoo on Friday, May 19th.
We will be leaving on the bus shortly after school starts at 9:00 and will return before 3:00.
Is Thursday, May 18th in North Mankato.
Drivers will be leaving at 7:45 and they will be returning after 3:00.
Is 6:00 on Thursday, May 25th at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Cake and juice will be served.
Is Friday, May 26th! This is a half day with dismissal at 12:00 and we will provide pizza for lunch!
Yearbook order forms have been sent home, please return 1 order form per family with what you would like to order with cash or check made out to Immanuel PTF by Monday, May 22nd.
Is Friday, May 26th at the Cedar Mills Gun Club from 5:00 – 7:00. Come join us in celebrating a great school year!
Please bring a snack to share, juice and water will be provided.
Have fun learning and playing soccer, volleyball, basketball, and flag football! Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, June 2, 5:30 - 7:00 pm. AGES: Entering K - 5th Grade COST: $35 per player
Register online – link emailed.
Is June 22nd – 24th, sign-up has been emailed. This is a great fundraiser for our school and gets us out into the community. Thank you for your help!
We are asking that all school families please contribute in some way to help provide what our workers need while they are building our new school.
Donate snacks/beverages, sign-up to supply noon lunch, or donate cash to purchase supplies.
Mrs. Eckstrand’s Room
This week our Jesus story is about Lydia. Lydia sold purple cloth, the most expensive kind. She and her friends met Paul, an apostle of Jesus. Paul taught Lydia and her friends about Jesus. Lydia and her friends were moved by the Holy Spirit working faith in their hearts and they were baptized. The Holy Spirit still works faith in our hearts as we rejoice in our Baptism. "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved", Acts 16:30 is our Memory Treasure.
In Social Studies we looked at maps and how to use the map key.
In Science we planted some peppers to see if we can get them to grow.
In Movement we are swinging for the fences with some batting skills. Keep your eye on the ball...
Preschool: We keep reviewing our letters and numbers as we finish filling out our binder.
Kindergarten: We keep getting better at addition in Math. In Reading Golly got hurt and needs to go to the Vv Vet!
Mrs. Utsch’s Room
In 1st grade Math we wrote and told time to the hour and half hour. In Reading we associated ow and ou with /ou/, read and spelled words with the /ou/, used rhyming ou and ow words to complete sentences, and read words with the prefix re-.
In 2nd grade Math we identified and drew 3-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional shapes, identified the angles in 2-Dimensional shapes, and sorted 2-Dimensional shapes by the number of sides and angles. In Reading class, we read and spelled words with the long oo sound; with the spelling patterns of ew, oo, ou, ui, and u_e, and wrote words with the suffix -able to complete sentences.
In 3rd grade Math we used basic facts and patterns to multiply multiples of 10 and 100, multiplied 2 and 3-digit numbers, and modeled division problems with remainders. In Reading we are reading the novel “The Mouse and The Motorcycle” by Beverly Cleary.
In Religion we heard how Jesus appeared to his disciples. Jesus comforted his disciples by appearing to them, and we gladly learn God’s Word that comforts us with the news of our risen Savior. Thomas believed that Jesus had risen when he saw Jesus with his own eyes. Through his Word, Jesus provides the help we need to believe in him. We ask God to use his Word to strengthen our faith and remove all doubts.
Mr. Gephart’s Room
Hi Parents, Family, and Friends,
Here is a look into the classroom this week.
In Reading, the 4th-5th graders are learning about folk tales and fairy tales. The 6th-8th graders are learning about poetry.
In grammar this week we are learning about punctuation and capitalization.
In Math, the 4th graders are learning about polygons. The 5th graders are learning about triangles and polygons. The 6th graders are learning about probability. The 7th graders are learning how to solve two-step equations. The 8th graders are working with probability.
In Geography we are studying Russia.
In History, the upper graders are studying ancient civilizations. We are currently learning about the Renaissance. The lower graders are learning about the start of the United States. We are learning about the Civil War.
In Writing, we are working on our personal narrative.
Next Week’s schedule - Spelling Lesson 36, Memory Work - Hebrews 11:1
M -
T -
W - Spelling Pretest
Th - Spelling Final Test
F - Last Day of School