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Writer's pictureBrittany Clark

Newsletter 5/15/2024


¨  May 15th 

Softball Practice

3:30 – 5:00

¨  May 16th 

6-8th Grade Softball Tournament

¨  May 23rd 

Closing Service & Graduation


¨  May 24th 


Early Dismissal: 12:30

¨  May 24th 

School Dance:


At Cedar Mills Gun Club


6-8TH graders have a softball tournament on May 16th, we have one more practice this afternoon after school from 3:30-5:00.

Please be to school no later than 8:00.

Concessions will be available, or they can bring a sack lunch. DON’T FORGET SUNSCREEN!

5th graders are welcome to come to school and we will have activities planned for them or they may stay home.



We have had a few parents express interest in ordering more carwash cards.  If you have anyone interested in purchasing some, we would like to place an order by the end of the week, Friday so we have them in-hand before the end of school.

We would need the quantity and cash/check by Friday - 5/17/24.



If you have not yet returned your registration folders for the 2024/2025 school year, please do so!


Order forms have been sent home, these should be returned with payment by Friday, May 17th.



Thursday, May 23rd at 6:30 will be our closing service for the school year as well as graduation and any awards/certificates will be handed out at Immanuel Lutheran Church. 

All are encouraged to attend!



Can you believe the 2023/2024 school year is almost over!  Our last day of school is Friday, May 24th.  The school board will grilling a special lunch for the students, and we will have an early dismissal at 12:30.

No afternoon latchkey.



Our annual end of the year dance will again be at the Cedar Mills Gun Club from 6:00 – 8:00 on Friday, May 24th.

Please bring a snack to share, water/lemonade will be provided. If you’d like to bring other beverages you may. There will be games/prizes and dancing for all ages!

This is not a teacher supervised event, there must be adults present responsible for their child/ren.

PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard

It's dinosaur week!! We are learning about the different sizes of the dinosaurs and what they like to eat. Our science center is now set up with dinosaur bones and sand. Our activity center this week has tongs and pom poms to fill in our number ten frame, alphabet popsicle sticks puzzle, and dinosaur opposite cards. 

Monday- We built the letter Tt with blocks and wrote the letter on the chalkboard. We also had an obstacle course on the playground.

Tuesday- At the writing center we played a phonics game with wood circles. For our bible activity we cut out and glued together a bird. 

Wednesday- We worked on our Journal page and did a STEM project. 

Thursday- We will be doing a dino name activity and dinosaur craft. 

Friday- We will be painting with dinosaurs. 

Our bible lesson this week is God takes care of the birds. Our memory verse is “I am with you always” Matthew 28:20

K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand

This week we will finish our Bible lessons with 2 new lessons.  First, we met Stephen.  He was a disciple called to help as God's church was growing.  He showed full trust in God's love and prayed for his enemies. He did not fear dying even though he knew it was coming, because he knew he'd be with Jesus in Heaven.  We too can be strong and faithful to our Lord even in the face of death because we will LIVE with Jesus in Heaven.  Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear for I am with you."   

In our second story we get to meet Phillip who teaches an Ethiopian man about Jesus.  God's word truly is for ALL nations, and we have the privilege to share His word.  Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."  

In Math, 1st grade continues to work with double digit adding and subtracting.  Kindergarten will continue to work with subtraction. 

In Reading, 1st grade is working with the many jobs that y has.  Kindergarten is finishing P, V, and W.  

We will wrap up our Earth chapter for science and await our ducklings.  We wrap up our Social studies changing world unit also. 

Let's finish this year strong and kind.  What a great year it has been!  


2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach

This week in Word of God we see how even while many of God's prophets were being killed by King Ahab, God was still in control. Elijah anointed Elisha to take his place. Then, when God knew it was Elijah's time to leave this earth, he took Elijah up to heaven in a chariot of fire!

In Math, 2nd graders are learning how to measure length with inches and feet on a regular ruler, 3rd grade is learning how to classify quadrilaterals, and 4th grade is learning how to draw angles.

In Language Arts, 2nd graders continue to read "Sarah, Plain, and Tall", and are practicing asking questions to help them comprehend the story. They are also making lists of different long vowel words that they see in the book.

3-4th graders continue to read "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing", learning how to expand their vocabulary and working through different roles of literature circles. They will get together to have their first literature circle discussion this week.

We are working toward our final project in music class which will be their very own composition. We are adding note names this week and will put the notes into a program so they can print off their own composed sheet music! 


5-8th: Mr. Holz

Hello Parents, Family and Friends

In Math, 5th Graders are moving into multiplying fractions. 6th Graders are moving into units of measurements and perimeter. 7th Graders are measuring perimeter and circumference. 8th Graders are working with quadratics. 

In History, we are looking at the War of 1812 and how it affected the nation as it was forming.

In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures.

In Grammar we took a post-test to gage what they’ve learned throughout the year.

In Reading the 5th-6th graders will be reading “Roar of Thunder, Hear My Cry”. The 7th-8th Graders will be reading “Robinson Crusoe”. 

In Spelling the students are working through the 29th section of the workbooks.

In P.E. The students have been playing 2-base kick ball.

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