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Newsletter 5-11-2022

Writer's picture: Brittany ClarkBrittany Clark

4-8th Grade Track Meet

Track meet is next week Friday, May 13th at the Sleepy Eye High School. Please be to school at 7:50 so we can leave by 8:00 and be to the meet by 9:00.

Dress appropriately (shorts, t-shirt, and running shoes) with extra layers and sunscreen! Bring a COLD lunch and water bottle.

6-8th Grade Softball Tournament

Softball tournament is Tuesday, the 17th. More info still to come.

We will need 4-5 drivers to take kids to and from – please let Brittany Clark or Mr. Gephart know if you are available to chauffer.

Dress appropriately (t-shirt and running shoes) with extra layers and sunscreen! Bring a COLD lunch and water bottle.

Dress Code

Shoulders, midriffs, and thighs should be covered. Shorts can be worn at the parent’s discretion, keeping in mind the weather conditions. For safety’s sake please make sure shoes fit properly and do not fall off easily and that they cover the entire foot.

Last Day of School

Our last day is Thursday, May 26th. The School Board is providing lunch this day and children will be dismissed at 1:00. Children can still ride the bus or be picked up between 1:00-3:00 if needed, they will have recess from 1:00-3:00.

Closing Service / Awards & Graduation will be Wednesday, May 25th at 6:30 at Immanuel Lutheran Church.


We are looking for donations of 10 additional metal forks and spoons for the children to use at lunch time.

Registration Folders

Blue registration folders will be coming home with students in the next few weeks. Please look over your information carefully and make any changes. Sign/initial and return to school by May 16th.

Summer Stangs’ – Summer Care

Registration for summer care is live on the school website, it is filling up fast!

Please sign up by May 15th if you will be needing care this summer. June 6th through August 19th, 7:00 am till 6:00 pm Monday through Friday.


¨ May 13th

4-8th Track Meet

@ Sleepy Eye High School

¨ May 17th

6-8th Softball Tournament @ Caswell Park, Mankato

¨ May 25th

Closing Service & Awards/Graduation


¨ May 26th


Early Dismissal at 1:00

Mrs. Eckstrand’s Room

This week our Jesus story is "God takes care of the Birds". We learned that we are more important than any of the animals. If God wants to take care of the animals, then we know that God will take care of us too. "Do not worry" is our memory treasure this week.

In Science, this week we explored metamorphosis in animals and looked especially at the caterpillar to butterfly.

For Art, we are making butterflies out of our feet!

Social Studies has us traveling to Hibbing to visit the "mini–Grand Canyon, Iron mine." Our movement is kickball. Now we have to try and get the runner out as well as pass the ball to other friends in the outfield to move it quickly.

Preschool: Our letter review is K, W, Q, X, Y and F all covered with ribbon and tape. Our number review is 6 and 16. We are also still learning patterns.

Kindergarten: Our Reading has Supernoodle Oswald taking us on a picnic and learning the sight word "put”. It also has us visiting a veterinarian to help a super friend. In Math we are starting to do simple addition. We are listening for key words: total, in all, altogether, and sum.

Mrs. Utsch’s Room

In 1st grade math we used fact families to find sums and differences to 20, identified a missing number in a sentence, and used pictures to create addition and subtraction sentences. In reading we read tricker words with the ar, or, and ear pattern and read the story “Slumber Party.” The next spelling test is Friday, May 20.

In 2nd math we connected addition to multiplication, modeled multiplication by using arrays, multiplied in any order, and multiplied with 1 and 0. In reading we read pattern words that have the long oo spelling pattern spelled ui, ew, ou, ue, -oo, and with Super e, wrote complete sentences, and sequenced events or steps.

In 3rd grade math we used counters and base ten blocks to model division with remainders, used division patterns to divide multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000, estimated quotients, and divided 2-and 3-digit numbers with and without remainders.

In religion we learned that God helped Elijah by answering Elijah’s prayer for fire. God wants us to let others know that he is the one true God. Ahab and Jezebel’s coveting led them to lie, kill, and steal. Coveting can easily lead us to sin in other ways.

Thanks to grades 1-3 for working hard to complete their last MAP tests this week!

Mr. Gephart’s Room

Hi Parents, Family, and Friends,

Here is a look into the classroom this week.

In reading, the 4th-5th graders are reading “A Wrinkle in Time”. Will Meg be able to save her father and the universe from the Black Thing? The 6th-8th graders are reading “The War That Saved My Life”. A story about a young girl during WWII.

In Grammar, the students are learning about capitalization, commas, hyphens, and underlining.

In Math, the 4th graders are working with lines and shapes. The 5th graders are learning about angles. The 6th graders are learning about probability. The 7th and 8th graders are learning about probability.

In Geography, we are learning more about southeast Asia and the Islands in Asia Pacific.

In History, the upper graders are learning about the 1980s. The lower graders are learning about MN history. They are learning more about Modern Minnesota.

In Writing, we are focusing on story starters to help us write stories and be creative.

Next Week’s Schedule - Spelling Lesson 33, Memory Work - Romans 10:14-15

Monday - 8th Math Test (Ch.12)

Tuesday - 6-8 Softball Tournament

Wednesday -

Thursday - Pre-Spelling Test, 6th Math Test (Ch.12)

Friday - Final Spelling Test

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Immanuel Grace Lutheran School provides a Christ-centered education based in the Lutheran tradition. We pursue the highest academic standards with a Christian environment.

Phone: 320-587-4858



20849 Walden Ave

Hutchinson, MN 55350

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