¨ March 6th
10:00 Start & Parent Drive Morning,
School Board Meeting: 8:00
¨ March 11th
PTF Meeting: 6:30
¨ March 17th
Sing at St. Peters Lutheran Church – Darwin.
Be there at 10:15
¨ March 18th-22nd
Christian Education Week
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our next meeting is Monday, March 11th at 6:30. All are welcome to attend!
We will be finalizing Christian Education Week plans.
We will be singing at St. Peter’s Lutheran church in Darwin on Sunday, March 17th to kick of Christian Education week. Please have your child/ren there by 10:15.
Dress up days:
Monday 3/18 – Pajama Day
(roll out of bed and come to school!)
Tuesday 3/19 – Farmer Day
(get out your overalls, hats, and work boots)
Wednesday 3/20 – Twin Day
(dress alike)
Thursday 3/21 – Color Day
(each classroom will have a designated color)
Friday 3/22 – Mustang Day
(wear your school apparel or Blue/Grey/White colors)
We will need extra drivers on 3/20 for K-1st and drivers on 3/22 for 6-8th.
K-8TH conferences will be March 18-20 and Preschool April 15-19th. Sign-up will be emailed.
Spring break & Easter break is Monday, March 25th through MONDAY, April 1st with classes resuming on Tuesday, April 2nd.
The remaining folders have been sent home, please return the filled-out forms to the school office.
Mrs. Rebekah Bohlmann has decided to decline our call to teach here at IGLS next school year.
The Spring Play is Sunday, April 21st, which will consist of the 5-8 play “Madhouse!” and songs by the other grades.
This is also when we will do our silent auction fundraiser. For the silent auction we ask that each family contribute an auction item. If you already have your items, you can bring them in to the school office at any time but no later than the week before so we have time to catalog and set-up. A link has been emailed to list your donation items.
PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard
The preschoolers are celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday. We are bringing his books to life in all the centers. Your child will enjoy the special reading time as they hear the rhythm and the messages.
On Monday we read “Hands hands fingers thumb” and we did Dr. Seuss yoga.
On Tuesday we read “Fox in Sox” and “The Foot Book”, then we painted with our feet.
On Wednesday we read “I can read with my eyes shut” and “Wacky Wednesday”.
On Thursday we will read “The Lorax”. For our STEM activity we made our own crazy, wacky, colorful project that would look great in a Dr. Seuss book.
On Friday we will read “Hop on Pop”. We will be making a fun triangle project.
This week we have been learning about the letter Kk and the number 6. Our bible story is Jesus turns water into wine. Our memory verse is “God has heard my prayer” Psalm 66:1.
K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand
This week our Jesus stories are bringing focus to Holy week. We start with Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. We learned that if we don't praise the Lord, then the rocks and all creation will. Next, we turn to the Garden of Gethsemane, where we learn from Jesus how to pray. We will test our memories with 2 memory treasures, one for Wednesday and one for Friday. Psalm 103:1 “Praise the Lord, O my soul” and The Third Petition “Thy will be done”.
In Math, Kindergarten took a test on number bonds, they are moving onto some calendar time. 1st grade will be testing on graphs, and they will move onto Place Value.
In Reading, Kindergarten is playing with All the superkids now and are enjoying "US." 1st grade will finish up with plurals and move onto dropping the -e adding the ending. Their next spelling test will be NEXT FRIDAY, since it can be a little trickier. There will not be a spelling test during CEW.
In Social Studies, we visited Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and saw the Liberty Bell and the Declaration of Independence. We learned about other national holidays too.
In Science, we started a new unit on Environments.
In Art, we will be finishing our Tint and Shade painting.
I'm so proud of the K-1! We keep working on our Spring play history review and every time, we are adding more and more memorized lines! Keep working with your children and remind them how great it is to see so much progress already 😊
2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach
This week in 2-4 we are learning about Ruth and how important it is to keep God as our greatest treasure and our faith as a top priority in our lives.
3rd grade is reviewing clocks, telling time to the minute, differentiating between a.m. and p.m., and calculating elapsed time.
2nd grade is working on mastering adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers, even 3 2-digit numbers at a time!
4th grade is figuring out the ins and outs of fractions and decimals.
In Social Studies we are learning about life in the Middle Colonies.
All 3 grades are working on writing a narrative. This also pairs as the end-of-novel project for “Dear Mr. Henshaw”. In the book, one of the themes is to do your best as a writer even though you may not be a famous author, so they are working on doing their best to write their own story.
In P.E. we will start a kickball unit, and in Music we keep working toward pieces we will perform at the spring concert.
5-8th: Mr. Holz
Hello Parents, Family and Friends
In Math, 5th Graders are taking a test on mean, median, and mode. 6th Graders are finishing ratios and proportions. 7th Graders are working with percentages. 8th Graders are finishing their second chapter on slope and will have a test this week.
In History, we will be studying American history between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. We are currently going through the Constitution and how it led to the government we have today.
In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures. We are also practicing songs to sing at the nursing homes for Christian education week.
In Grammar we are finishing the adjectives unit and moving into clauses.
In Writing we will be moving into how to write a research paper.
In Reading we have started our new novels. 5th-6th are reading “My Side of the Mountain”. 7th-8th are reading “Stargirl”. We will be completing these books soon and finishing with a final project for each.
In Spelling the students are working through the 21st section of the workbooks.