Fingerprint Program
McCleod County Child Print Program is starting up again this year. Info will be sent home with a permission slip. This is for grades: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 6th.
Scheduled for Monday, March 28th.
Spring Concert/Spaghetti Dinner
Sunday, April 3rd. Concert starting at 4:00 with the Spaghetti Dinner to follow around 5:30. A signup has been emailed to help with prepping food beforehand, serving, and cleaning up afterwards.
Very Important Person Day is on Friday, April 1st (no joke). This will be an all-morning event with breakfast (donuts/muffins & juice) and lunch served (pizza or subs).
RSVP’s will be sent home this week; these must be returned so we can get an idea of numbers.
10:00 Start / Parent Drive
Our next 10:00 start and Parent Drive MORNING is Wednesday, April 6th.
If before school care is needed (Latchkey) please contact Brittany Clark:
320-582-3133 or
No School – Easter Break
We do not have school Friday, April 15th through Monday, April 18th.
School resumes on Tuesday, April 19th.
Summer Stangs’ – Summer Care
Registration for summer care is live on the school website, please signup if you will be needing care this summer.
June 6th through August 19th, 7:00 am till 6:00 pm Monday through Friday.
¨ March 28th
McCleod County Child
Print Program
¨ April 1st
¨ April 3rd
Spring Concert – 4:00
Spaghetti Dinner – 5:30
¨ April 6th
10:00 Start and Parent Drive Morning
¨ April 15th & 18th
Easter Break
¨ April 28th or 29th
MLC Play
Mrs. Eckstrand’s Room
This week our Jesus story is “Jesus Visits Mary and Martha”. We learned that the only thing we really need is to listen to and love God. “Faith comes from hearing the message”, we will also spread the message so others can listen to and love God.
For Movement this week we are working on our Irish dancing. Boy can our feet really move.
In Art we are taking to the skies and looking for gold at the end of a finger-painting rainbow.
For Science we discovered what forms a tornado and how to be safe in a tornado.
In Social Studies we are working on our alphabet sign language.
This Thursday we will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by finally making our lunch we missed out on with a snow day. We will also make a special snack so you do not need to pack snacks or lunch this Thursday, March 17th.
Preschool: Our letter this week is Nn for nose, note, nest, and Mrs. Nikki. Our number this week is 19, “long line down, circle and a line, 19 is looking fine”.
Kindergarten: In Reading we are exploring with Hot Rod and we took a reading test. We are also working on counting syllables. In Math we are making number bonds by putting 2 numbers together to make a bigger number, it’s setting us up for easy addition.
On March 28th we will be getting an MLC student teacher! Mr. William Rauh will be joining us for 6 weeks as he learns to become a teacher.
Mrs. Utsch’s Room
In 1st grade Math we solved two-digit addition and subtraction problems, described and drew 3-D shapes, and made new 3-D shapes. In Reading we read and formed contractions with is, am, are, and will, decoded long vowel words, and read the story “A Super Day at Happy Land”.
The next spelling test will be Wednesday, March 23rd.
In Math we estimated the length of objects using feet, measured objects in inches and feet, and measured objects to the nearest yard. In 2nd grade Reading we decoded words with the al, au, augh, and ough pattern, identified irregular past tense of verbs, used alliteration in sentences, and recognized the main idea in a paragraph.
In 3rd grade Math we solved problems with equivalent fractions. In Reading we are reading “The One and Only Ivan” by Katherine Applegate.
In Religion we learned about how God gave Samson strength to punish the Philistines. God has blessed each of us with many abilities and we use our abilities to serve God and others. God showed Samson his sin and answered his prayer. In love God shows us our sins and answers our prayers for forgiveness. We thank God for his love and forgiveness by using our abilities to serve him and others.
Mr. Gephart’s Room
Hi Parents, Family, and Friends,
Here is a look into the classroom this week.
In Reading the 4th-5th graders are reading “Island of the Blue Dolphins”. What is going to happen when the Aluets from Russia come to the Island? Will they be friend or foe? The 6th-8th graders are reading “The Giver”. What would life be like in a utopian society?
In Grammar the students are learning about adverbs and pronouns.
In Math the 4th graders are learning about common multiples and common factors. 5th graders about how to add and subtract mixed numbers. The 6th graders are learning how to convert standards and metric units. 7th graders about symmetry and transformations. And the 8th graders are learning to solve quadratic equations by graphing and factoring.
In Geography we are learning more about Africa.
In History the upper graders are learning about the Cold War. The lower graders are learning about MN history. They are learning about the start of WWII.
In Writing we are working on making stories more interesting.
Next Week’s Schedule: Spelling Lesson 25, Memory Work – Isaiah 55:11
Monday –
Tuesday –
Wednesday – 6th Math Test (Ch.9)
Thursday – Pre-Spelling Test
Friday – Final Spelling Test, 4th Math Test (Ch.15)
On March 28th we will be getting an MLC student teacher! Miss Lynnea Starzl will be joining us for 6 weeks.