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Writer's pictureBrittany Clark

Newsletter 2/28/2024


¨  March 1st 

Drive Day

¨  March 2nd 

Open House & Registration 9-12:00

¨  March 6th  

10:00 Start & Parent Drive Morning,

School Board Meeting: 8:00

¨  March 11th 

PTF Meeting: 6:30

¨  March 17th  

Sing at St. Peters Lutheran Church – Darwin.

Be there at 10:15


Our next Parent Drive Day is Friday, March 1st. There will be no bussing this day so please plan accordingly.


Lunch will still be provided. 


If Latchkey is needed (before/after school care) please let us know as soon as possible to schedule caregivers.



Pre-sale forms have been sent home and is open through February 29th.  All Pre-sale sheets and corresponding money/checks (made out to Immanuel Grace PTF) should be handed in to the office by Monday, March 1st or sooner where they will be tallied up and cards bought.  Once we have received the cards they will be handed to families for distribution in early March.



We will be singing at St. Peter’s Lutheran church in Darwin on Sunday, March 17th to kick of Christian Education week.  Please have your child/ren there by 10:15.


Spread the word: Saturday, March 2nd we will be holding an Open House / Registration for the 2024/2025 school year for new & RETURNING families from 9:00am-12:00 to see the school, meet teachers, and register.

If you cannot attend this registration day, please let me know and I will send home registration information with your child/ren.



The Spring Play is Sunday, April 21st, which will consist of the 5-8 play “Madhouse!” and songs by the other grades. 

This is also when we will do our silent auction fundraiser.  For the silent auction we ask that each family contribute an auction item. If you already have your items, you can bring them into the school office at any time but no later than the week before, so we have time to catalog and set-up.  A link has been emailed to list your donation items. 

PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard

This week preschoolers are learning all about our 5 senses.  

Monday - Sound- I had 9 containers that had different objects in them. We shook the containers and tried to guess what was in each one.

We got out the big parachute in the flex room. We made big wind and little wind. They did very well follow 2 step directions during our activity. 

Tuesday- Touch- I got shaving cream out and had them practice writing letters and numbers.

Wednesday-Smell and taste- I have 9 containers with different objects that have different smells. They glued on the pictures of the objects if they liked the smell.  We also got to use smell markers this week.

We will be using all of our senses in our popcorn activity. We get to watch and hear the popcorn pop, smell and taste the popcorn, and touch it before we eat it. 

Thursday-Sight- We will be using magnifying glasses to see things that are really small.  We also will do hot cocoa art. Gluing on cocoa powder and marshmallows.  

Friday- Review- At the writing center we will be gluing the right sense to the objects. At the activity center we will be making shapes with playdough. 

Our bible lesson is Jesus heals a little girl. Our memory verse is “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.” Psalm 118:1

K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand

Our Bible lessons this week are The Good Samaritan and Jesus heals the 10 lepers.  Through these lessons we learn how to treat others: kind, and with love, just as we would want to be treated.  We also learned to say thank you. God does so much for us, we simply need to remember to tell him thank you!  "Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:39 is our Memory treasure this week.  

In Math this week, the 1st grade is tackling picture graphs, tally charts, and bar graphs.  Kindergarten will be finishing the numbers bonds through 9 and the take their chapter test early next week.  

In Reading, 1st grade is working with CVCe "magic e" words, and will be making them plurals using s.  Kindergarten will finish with Hot Rod.  Having met ALL the superkids they will have a chapter all about "US" and the /u/ sound.  

In Social studies we learned more about George Washington, and about what symbols represent our country.   

In Science, the plants still have us digging in the dirt for more information on how they make their own food.  

During Art we looked at what 2 colors help EVERY color make shade or tint. 


2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach

This week in 2-4 we are learning about Samson, the last judge that God appointed to save the Israelites from their enemies. We noticed that he didn't always do things in a God-pleasing way, but God still uses sinners to accomplish his purpose. 

3rd grade is reviewing clocks, telling time to the minute, differentiating between a.m. and p.m., and calculating elapsed time. 

2nd grade is working on mastering adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers.

4th grade is figuring out the ins and outs of fractions and comparing fractions.

In Social Studies we are learning about the New England colonies, everyday life there, and their economy. They wrote about what they would see and hear if they could travel back in time to the New England colonies. 

The 3rd and 4th graders will finish Dear Mr. Henshaw this week as they continue to work on fluency and expression when they read aloud.

2nd grade will begin writing a fiction story based on a problem that their other classmates made up.


5-8th: Mr. Holz

Hello Parents, Family and Friends

In Math, 5th Graders are starting a unit on mean, median, and mode. 6th Graders working ratios and proportions. 7th Graders are working with percentages. 8th Graders are working on a new chapter which covers ways to find line intersections without using slope. 

In History, we will be studying American history between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.

In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures.

In Grammar we are finishing the adjectives unit and moving into clauses.

In Writing we will be moving into how to write a research paper. 

In Reading we have started our new novels. 5th-6th are reading My Side of the Mountain. 7th-8th are reading Stargirl. 

In Spelling the students are working through the 20th section of the workbooks.

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