¨ February 15th
Basketball Practice: 3:30 – 5:15
¨ February 17th
Mustang Basketball Tournament: Rec Center
¨ February 18th
Call Meeting: 7:00
¨ February 19th
¨ February 20th
Basketball Practice: 3:30 – 5:15 (A-team)
¨ February 22nd
Basketball Practice: 3:30 – 5:15 (A-team)
I am still in need of volunteers to help, especially clock and books. If you are planning on sticking around all day, please sign-up for another shift or two, no previous experience necessary – we will train you!
Thank you for all your participation to make this day a success!
Monday, February 19th there is no school for Presidents’ Day.
Friday, February 23rd school will be dismissed at 12:00 for the start of the MLC basketball tournament.
Lunch will NOT be provided this day.
No afternoon bussing or Latchkey available.
Andrea Hahm from New Hope, MN made the decision last week to decline our call to teach in the 2024/2025 school year.
We will be holding another call meeting on February 18th at 7:00 here at school.
Keep filling and bringing those water bottles!
Drinking fountains are not usable at the moment as the water is not drinkable. Please have your child/ren bring a filled water bottle to school each day, we do have filling stations available to refill throughout the day. Once the well can run more water through, we will be testing the water again.
Spread the word: Saturday, March 2nd we will be holding an Open House / Registration for the 2024/2025 school year. If you know of any new families interested in attending our school, please tell them to come between 9:00am-12:00 to see the school, meet teachers, and register.
AND if you bring a check on this date or before you can get a discount on your registration fee!
Do you have any pictures from the 2023/2024 season?
We are looking for pictures to put in the yearbook, if you have any please email them to
PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard
Happy Valentine’s Day! The preschoolers had a party today, making valentine bags, valentine posters with dobbers and making patterns with candy hearts.
This week we have been focusing on the letter Vv and the color red. We practice writing V and heart on a chalkboard and erasing it with our finger.
On Monday we cut out a heart to spell our name.
On Thursday we are going to rip tissue paper and glue it on a heart.
Our bible story is Jesus walks on water. On Tuesday we watercolor a coloring sheet of Jesus walking on water.
K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand
This week our 2 Bible stories are "Jesus heals a Paralyzed man" and "Jairus' Daughter". In both lessons we learn about Jesus' power. First to forgive us and heal our hearts, then to heal our bodies. He made a paralyzed man in Capernaum walk, and he brought Jairus' daughter back to life after she died. Only God has power to raise us back to life to live with him in Heaven. Whenever we have troubles, we know that we can turn to God in prayer and he will take care of our troubles. "Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7.
In Math, Kindergarten is breaking apart the numbers 1-5 and creating all the number bonds they can for each number. 1st grade is still comparing numbers, and has added bar models to compare with.
In Reading, Kindergarten met Ettabetta, who loves game books. They will focus on the short /e/ sound of Ee. 1st grade took a Unit 5 test, and will begin investigating the long vowel sounds with unit 6. There WILL be a spelling test next Wednesday, even with the day off since they should know all or most of the words on their new list 6.1 long o, e, and u pattern words.
In Social studies we started a new unit that will focus on our country. We will begin with the pilgrims and early settlers. In Science the plant kingdom continues to be explored.
We are still working toward our 7-day goals for working quietly and being a good friend. If we can get 3 more days of quiet working and kindness then there is ice cream to enjoy. Encourage your children to keep working on these goals.
2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach
This week in Word of God the 2-4 class is learning about the Judges. The first judge we are learning about is Gideon.
In Math, 2nd graders are learning addition strategies. 3rd grade is learning perimeter and area. 4th grade is learning about factors and multiples.
In Social Studies we are beginning to explore the first colonies in America.
In Language Arts, 3-4 continue reading "Dear Mr. Henshaw". They designed a burglar alarm because in the book, the main character is going to design a burglar alarm to put on his lunchbox because people keep stealing his lunch at school. 2nd graders are learning about adjectives and adverbs.
We had a Valentine's Day party where we passed out valentines and did an activity. They each had a heart with their name on it. They passed them around to each student so they could write what they like about each classmate on their heart.
5-8th: Mr. Holz
Hello Parents, Family and Friends
In Math, 5th Graders are studying using decimals in multiplication and division. 6th Graders working on charts and graphs, as well as organizing data. 7th Graders are starting a unit on grids and plotting points and working with slope. 8th Graders are finishing a unit on a slope.
In History, we will be studying American history between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures.
In Grammar we are finishing the nouns unit and moving into adjectives.
In Writing we will be moving into how to write a research paper.
In Reading we have started our new novels. 5th-6th are reading “My Side of the Mountain”. 7th-8th are reading “Stargirl”.
In Spelling the students are working through the 17th section of the workbooks.