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Newsletter 12/13/2023

Writer's picture: Brittany ClarkBrittany Clark


¨  December 14th 

HOME game vs. Northwoods Elementary 3:45 & 4:45

¨  December 18th 

Basketball practice:

3:30 – 5:15

¨  December 19th 

Basketball practice:

3:30 – 5:15

¨  December 21st 

Early Dismissal 12:00

Parent Pick-up

¨  December 22nd – January 2nd 



Please remember to bring in your $20 athletics fee.  This helps cover the cost of refs and tournament expenses.

Our first game is December 14th at the fairgrounds: 3:45 & 4:45. All are welcome to attend.

The game on Saturday the 16th at PLS has been cancelled due to conflicting events



RaiseRight is a gift card fundraising program that you can purchase gift cards through.  You pay the face value of the card and the school uses the rebate to go towards field trips during the school year. 

The deadline in order to receive them before Christmas is Sunday, December 17th. However, they can be ordered at any time.

Ordering sheets are at school or Immanuel & Grace church.

Or you can contact Karen and Teresa directly:

Karen Kohls (Immanuel) 


Teresa Ross (Grace) 



THANK YOU to all who helped moved furniture out of Citizens Bank, we got done very quickly with all the help!



Thursday, December 21st we will be dismissed at 12:00 for Christmas Break.

**Lunch will not be provided this day.

**Parent Pick-up afternoon, no PM bussing or PM latchkey this day.



No school December 22nd through January 2nd with classes resuming January 3rd. 

***Please remember we may or may not be moving in to the new school building over break depending on if construction is finished. We ask that all the families be flexible if we need to take off any extra days to allow for getting everything set up. We will also be asking for help cleaning the school before moving as well as moving help, the more the merrier and the faster we can get into our new rooms! ***

PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard

The focus this week is on Baby Jesus and how he was born in a barn. We are learning new Christmas songs to spread the good news of Baby Jesus.

This week we are also learning about Gingerbread man and gingerbread houses. On Tuesday we made our own gingerbread man art project; we got to decorate it with yarn, markers, buttons, and sequence. On Thursday we will see if the gingerbread man will sink or float in water, soda, and vinegar.

We are focusing on the letter Ee this week, we built the letter out of popsicle sticks and corn. 

At the activity center this week we put letters on mega blocks and had them build it with the correct letter.  We also counted the gingerbread men with clothes pins and practiced our scissors skills. I also brought out the scooters a couple times this week to the basketball court and had them race each other to see who was the fastest. 

Our memory treasurer for this month is “Today, a savior has been born” Luke 2:11

K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand

This week in our Bible lesson we met Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego.  These three men trusted God and did not worship King Nebuchadnezzar.  Instead, they trusted God to protect them, or take them to heaven, as they were thrown into the fiery furnace.  God sent an angel to save them in the furnace. King Nebuchadnezzar made a law that no one can talk bad about the one true God.  

Kindergarten:  In Reading we finished playing sports with Sal, and we met Lily and her lions.  We'll have plenty of fun reading with them.  In Math we are working on More/Less/Fewer and one to one correspondence with objects and numbers.

First Grade: In Reading we are working on some memory words and words that end with -le.  We also began creating our own stories.  We will be writing an opinion paper this week and next week.  Our next spelling test will be next Thursday instead of Wednesday.  It will work on the -er and -ed endings.  For Math we are finishing mastering subtraction and getting faster at our facts.  We will be looking for key words in word problems next.  

In Science, we are looking at things that are living need. 

In Social Studies we found continents on the Globe. 

In Art we continue our surprise for Christmas. 

2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach

This week in Word of God, we are learning about the rising action of the Christmas story. The Angel appeared to Elizabeth and Mary to announce the birth of John and Jesus. 

In Math, 2nd graders are learning about dollar bills.

3rd and 4th grades are continuing to learn division strategies.

In Language Arts, 2nd grade is working on comprehension in their reading groups and noticing the different sounds of c and g. 3-4 are learning about different types of nouns and conflict/resolution later this week.

In Science, we are learning about work and simple machines. Soon we will start a project that will be a culminating activity of everything we have been working on this year.

In Art we will do a nativity scene painting!

5-8th: Mr. Holz

Hello Parents, Family and Friends

In Math, 5th Graders are starting to study for their Chapter 4 Test. 6th Graders are moving into Chapter 4 which deals with factors. 7th Graders are reviewing for their next test. 8th Graders are moving into multi step inequalities and sets.

In Geography we are moving into South America.

In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures.

In Science we will be starting a unit on biomes and biodiversity. We will be creating a biome in a box and describing the aspects we create in it.

In Grammar we are working on irregular verbs and predicate nominatives. We are also working with transitive and intransitive verbs. 

In Writing we will be moving into how to write a research paper. 

In Reading we have selected two novels that we will work on. 5-6th Grade will be reading “Hatchet” by Gary Paulsen. We will be finishing the book this week. 7-8th have finished “Lord of the Flies” and we will be moving onto a new novel. 

In Spelling the students are working through the 10th section of the workbooks.

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Immanuel Grace Lutheran School provides a Christ-centered education based in the Lutheran tradition. We pursue the highest academic standards with a Christian environment.

Phone: 320-587-4858



20849 Walden Ave

Hutchinson, MN 55350

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