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Newsletter 12-1-2021

Writer's picture: Brittany ClarkBrittany Clark

Church Singing

Sunday December 5th all children Preschool – 8th grade will be singing at Zion Lutheran Church in Hutchinson (be there 8:30) and also at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Hutchinson (be there 9:50)

  • Zion Lutheran Church

16494 Vale Ave.

Hutchinson, MN 55350

  • Immanuel Lutheran Church

20882 Walden Ave.

Hutchinson, MN 55350

Picture Re-Takes

Re-takes are scheduled for Thursday December 9th. Order forms will be sent home or you can order online if you haven’t ordered already.

School ID: EVTKCH6V8

Christmas Party

Classroom Christmas parties and a Pizza lunch will be Friday December 17th – full day of school.

No School – 12/20 through 12/31.


Basketball season has started! 3rd-8th grades are eligible to play. If your child is interested and isn’t already signed up, please let us know.

If you would be interested in helping drive to practices and/or games just let us know what day and how many players you can take. The more help the better!


If you are thinking about giving gift cards this Christmas, please go through this program to help earn money for our school! There are order forms in the entryway of school and Immanuel church. Or you can contact Karen Kohls (Immanuel) 320-444-0170 or Teresa Ross (Grace) 320-305-9262 The last date for ordering to get cards by Christmas is December 12th.

Cash Wise Coupon Books

If you haven’t already, please return any remaining unsold coupon booklets. Please bring in to school any money or checks you may still have.

Thank you for a successful fundraiser!


¨ Dec. 2nd

Basketball Practice

3:15 – 5:30

¨ Dec. 5th

Church Singing:

8:30 Zion in Hutchinson & 9:50 Immanuel Hutchinson

¨ Dec. 7th

Basketball Practice

3:15 – 5:30

¨ Dec. 9th

Picture Retakes

& Basketball Practice

3:15 – 5:30

¨ Dec. 13th

PTF Meeting 6:30

Mrs. Eckstrand’s Room

This week our Jesus story was “Mary’s Big News”. Mary found out from the angel Gabriel that she was going to have Jesus – the long-awaited Savior. We can be excited as we celebrate the Christmas season and rejoice in baby Jesus. “You are to call him Jesus” is our memory treasure this week.

For Movement we are working on hopscotch and dribbling basketballs.

In Science we learned how force can change speed and direction.

Social Studies this week will have us looking at the symbols of our country: the flag and eagle.

In Art we decorated Christmas cards that we are hoping to get delivered to local nursing homes.

Preschool: Our letter this week is Ss for Savior, sun, and slide. Our number this week is 9. “Circle with a line makes a fine number 9”.

Kindergarten: We started a new superkid, Sal. We can’t wait to play lots of sports games with him.

In Math we finished numbers for a bit and we are beginning to look at shapes.

Mrs. Utsch’s Room

In 1st grade Math we found the unknown addend in an addition equation and solved addition and subtraction problems. In Reading we are identifying and distinguishing between short and long vowel sounds and read the story “The Foolish Giant”. New spelling words came home this week. The next spelling test is Tuesday, December 7th.

In Math we are decomposing the ones place value to add and subtract. In 2nd grade Reading we read words with the -ou and -ow spelling pattern, identified homonyms, and identified nouns, verbs, and adverbs.

In 3rd grade Math we identified number patterns and extended patterns, identified the unknown factor in a multiplication equation, used multiplication and division to solve problems, and solved two-step problems. In Reading we are reading “Ramona Quimby, Age 8” by Beverly Cleary.

In Religion we learned how Moses had to leave Egypt so that he wouldn’t be killed. God wants us to obey is commandments instead of doing things in our own sinful ways. We heard about how God chose Moses to lead his people and promised to help him do it. God has chosen us to share his Word and promises to help us do it too.

Mr. Gephart’s Room

Hi Parents, Family, and Friends,

Here is a look into the classroom this week.

In Reading the 4th-5th graders are starting “Where the Red Fern Grows”. We get to see how 2 dogs change a boy’s life. The 6th-8th graders are reading “Animal Farm”. Will the pigs rule?

In Grammar the students are learning how to identify nouns and how to make them possessive.

In Math the 4th graders are learning about graphs and surveys. The 5th graders how to multiply decimals. The 6th graders are learning how to multiply and divide fractions. 7th graders about proportions and the 8th graders are learning how to graph equations.

In Science the 4th-5th graders are learning about cells. 6th-8th graders about volcanoes and earthquakes.

In History the upper graders are learning about World War 1. The lower graders about MN history. They are learning about the US-Dakota War.

In Writing we are writing a full paragraph, putting into practice all of the steps we’ve talked about. Topic sentence, body sentences, and a conclusion.

Ms. Paul is my new student teacher; she will be in the classroom until the end of the year.

Next Week’s Schedule: Spelling Lesson 13, Memory Work: Galatians 6:2

Monday – 6th Math Test (Ch.5)

Tuesday – 8th Math Test (Ch.5)

Wednesday –

Thursday – Spelling pretest, 5th Math Test (Ch.8)

Friday – Spelling final test

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Immanuel Grace Lutheran School provides a Christ-centered education based in the Lutheran tradition. We pursue the highest academic standards with a Christian environment.

Phone: 320-587-4858



20849 Walden Ave

Hutchinson, MN 55350

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