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Writer's pictureBrittany Clark

Newsletter 11/9/2022


¨ November 11th

Veterans Day Brunch


¨ November 13th

School Play at 3:00,

Children be there at 2:30

¨ November 14th

PTF Meeting at 6:30

¨ November 16th

Vision and Hearing Screening

¨ November 23rd – 25th

NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break


Free for all Veterans + guest, food provided by the children of Immanuel Lutheran School & Children of Grace Preschool (pancakes, eggs, sausage).

Friday, November 11th from 12:00-1:00.

**Each family is asked to bring a half dozen (about 6) of a dessert item to share: donuts, muffins, bars, cookies...**


Sunday, November 13th starting at 3:00. Children must be there by 2:30.


The district nurse will be doing vision and hearing screenings on Wednesday, November 16th.


Flyers have been sent home and orders are due back Monday, November 28th.


The Hutchinson Public Library is asking for new book donations to distribute to children over Christmas, a donation box is in the entryway of school and are due by Thursday, December 1st.


Immanuel/Grace Lutheran and school family,

I’ve been honored to deliberate a call to Winnebago Lutheran Academy to serve as math teacher and coach. I had good conversation with some of their staff as well as encouraging comments and conversation with some of you. I appreciate the support you have given myself and my family. At this time, my family and I will stay in Hutchinson to see the building project through and continue to see what wonderful blessings God has in store from that. There are many exciting opportunities to come as we continue to grow and share God’s message to our students and community.

In Christ,

Brian Gephart


This program is great for Christmas gifts! If you are planning on gifting money this Christmas, please order gift cards through this program. The deadline in order to receive them before Christmas is Sunday, December 11th. Scrip is a great way to pay for everyday purchases using gift cards in place of cash, checks, and credit cards.

Mrs. Eckstrand’s Room

This week our Jesus story is "David plays the harp". We meet David as a shepherd boy. God has plans for David and we can see them start with David helping King Saul with his Special gift playing the harp. We each have gifts from God and can use them to His glory.

Funny: Asked the kids their special gift and all were truly special even the one child's gift which is "I can get way excited!"

This week we are pulling our whole concert/play together. We are getting used to singing in front of the big kids, so we can also sing in front of all those grownups. 😊 Children can wear their church best, dress up clothes. Be ready for some good old-fashioned cuteness. Please have children in church basement by 2:30.

Preschool: Our letter this week is Vv for Violin, Volcano, Vulture and Valentine. There's also a V in noVember and fiVe. 5 is our number this week "Body, belly, then the hat, number 5 look at that!”

Kindergarten: In Math we took our Chapter test and will be beginning Shapes. In Reading we are going to meet a new superkid, see if your child can remember her name and her favorite thing to do, psst It's Doc and she fixes broken toys and makes her own odd toys. 😊

Mrs. Utsch’s Room

In 1st grade Math we are continuing to build fluency in our subtraction facts. In Reading we associated ed with /d/ and /t/, reviewed -ed ending for past tense verbs, and distinguished between nouns and verbs.

In 2nd grade Math we related place value to coins, identified and found the value of coins, and found the total value of a group of coins. In Reading class, we read words with /er/ spelled ear, ar, and or and formed comparative and superlative adjectives using er and est endings.

In 3rd grade Math we related division to subtraction, represented division with arrays and bar models, and used division rules for 1 and 0. In Reading we are reading the novel “Mr. Popper’s Penguins” by Florence and Richard Atwater.

In religion we heard that on Judgment Day Jesus will give believers an eternal home in heaven, but he will send the unbelievers to hell. Heaven is a wonderful gift of God to believers. We also learned that Jesus helped his disciples by calming a storm. Jesus has power to help us in times of trouble.

Mr. Gephart’s Room

Hi Parents, Family, and Friends,

Here is a look into the classroom this week.

In Reading, the 4th-5th graders are reading “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”. What could go wrong with the naughtiest kids in town? The 6th-8th graders are reading “The Hatchet”. Could you survive in the forest alone for weeks?

For the next 2 weeks we will pause grammar and focus on Forensics. We will practice our speeches, readings, plays and demonstrations.

In Math, the 4th graders are learning about time. The 5th graders are working with decimal places. The 6th graders are learning about GCF and LCM. The 7th graders are working with fractions. The 8th graders are working with graphs.

In Science, the 4th-5th graders are learning about electricity and magnetism. The 6-8th grades are learning about the skeletal system.

In History, the upper graders are studying ancient civilizations. We are currently on ancient India. The lower graders are learning about the start of the United States. We are studying the early Explorers.

In Writing, we are practicing our introductions.

Next Week’s schedule - Spelling Lesson 12, Memory Work - Psalm 119:1-2

Monday - 6th Math Test (Ch.4)

Tuesday - 5th Math Test (Ch.6), 8th Math Test (Ch.4)

Wednesday -

Thursday - Spelling Pre-Test

Friday - Spelling Final Test

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