¨ December 3rd
Singing at Grace Lutheran Church, Hutchinson.
Be there at 8:45
¨ December 4th
practice begins
¨ December 5th
Basketball practice: 3:30-5:15
Cheerleading practice: 3:30-4:45
¨ December 6th
10:00 Start,
Parent Drive MORNING
On Sunday, December 3rd students will be singing at Grace Lutheran Church in Hutchinson. Please have your child/ren to the church basement by 8:45. Church starts at 9:00, you may leave following the song if needed.
If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible.
The seasons schedule has been emailed along with a sign-up for drivers to practices/games. Please bring in your sports fee before practice begins on December 4th.
Registration has been emailed to grades 3-8th. Please sign-up to participate no later than Friday, December 1st. Practice begins December 5th and will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:45, please bring in your sports fee before practice begins.
Wednesday, December 6th is our next 10:00 start and parent drive morning.
Afternoon buses will run as normal.
SNACK: since this is a late start, we do not provide or eat snack at school. Lunch will be provided as usual.
PRESCHOOL: this is a full day option only.
If Latchkey is needed (before school care) please let me know as soon as possible.
Citizens Bank is remodeling and has graciously donated their office furniture to us. Saturday, December 9th we need able bodied helpers to move desks and office furniture onto a trailer to be used for the new school building. If you are available, please let us know, the more helpers we get the faster we can get things moved. If anyone has extra old blankets we can use to cover/stack furniture, please bring that along.
Thursday, December 21st we will be dismissed at 12:00 for Christmas Break.
Lunch will not be provided this day.
Parent Pick-up afternoon, no PM bussing or PM latchkey this day.
PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard
It’s the last week of November and we are finishing off the month with some turkey fun. In our activity center we are practicing our fine motor skills by picking up feathers with tongues and putting them in a turkey cup. Also, in the activity center the preschoolers are feeding the turkey with the matching letter cards and using dabbers on the letter G and counting the turkeys to the right number on the turkeys.
In our writing center we are practicing writing the letter Gg on the chalkboard and on a white board.
Our outside activity we had an obstacle course where we practiced our crawling and jumping.
On Wednesday we had our STEM activity where we had baking soda on a tray and had colored vinegar in an eye dropper. It was fun to see their reaction.
Art this week we are going to make a turkey tail by color on a coffee filter and get it wet with an eye dropper and watch the ink bleed together.
Bible lesson this week is Bread from Heaven and our bible verse is "I will be with you" Exodus 3:12.
K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand
Our Bible lessons last week and this week took us with the Israelites through the dessert. We learned how God provided manna in the morning and quail at night to provide for the Israelites daily needs. We also learned how God gave them the 10 commandments. Finally, this week God leads them into the Promised land and gave them the city of Jericho in a very unique way. His power can overcome any wall, city, or trouble we may have. We can ask God to provide for our daily needs, and trust that he will lovingly get us through our own journey of life. We tell and show him thanks by loving Him and others all around us. 1 Corinthians 10:31 "whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" is our memory treasure this week.
Kindergarten: in Reading, we will finish fixing toys with Doc, but not without reading some real words and learning that double letters make one sound. We will be taking a unit test, and then meeting another new Superkid this week. In Math we are measuring Height (up and down), length (side to side) and weight. We got to use our rulers too! For Writing, we're adding a new rhyme to our sentences. We've been labeling thanksgiving pictures, and will start working on a Christmas sight words book that we get to illustrate and write.
First grade: We've started a new unit in Reading, so we have a test to take. Spelling unit 3.1 -ng test is NEXT Wednesday, not today. We're looking at the -ng and -ing sound at the ends of words. In Math, we're reviewing adding and switching to subtracting. This will have us learning fact families before week's end.
In Social Studies, we are learning about the places we live, what each place is called, and how we can find them on the map. For Science we continue look at living and non-living things. In Art, we are going to make some Christmas cards to mail to our classroom friends we've met through our alphabet letter mailings.
Did you hear how awesome the Turkey Trot was? Now during P.E. we are teaming up to complete our exercises and keep us moving and warm. Gotta look for your number and keep your teammate close.
2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach
This week in Word of God, we are learning about some of the Old Testament laws, including the building of the tabernacle and rules about worship/sacrifices. We are learning that these sacrifices and rules served as a reminder that sacrifice is necessary to make everything right between a holy God and sinful human beings. Thank God that Jesus' ultimate sacrifice covers all sins of all time.
In math, 2nd graders have begun learning about coins, money, and how they relate to number values! 3rd and 4th grades are continuing to learn division strategies.
In Language Arts, 2nd grade is learning chants to help them differentiate between oi/oy words, and ou/ow sounds. 3/4 are learning about Direct Objects and Subject-Verb Agreement. We will read a picture book and study the literary element, plot.
In Science, we are learning about energy in the form of sound, and how vibrations create sounds!
Since we are getting into colder weather, we are doing a unit in P.E. that focuses on indoor exercise. In Music, the students will compose their own short song. Later this week, we will begin a Christmas art project that will practice using color to create tints and shades.
5-8th: Mr. Holz
Hello Parents, Family and Friends
In Math, 5th Graders are starting Chapter 4 and will be learning about equations. 6th Graders are reviewing for their Chapter 3 Test. 7th Graders are working on comparing fractions. 8th Graders are starting Chapter 3 which will cover inequalities.
In Geography we will soon be wrapping up the 50 states and having a final test of all 50.
In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures.
In Science we will be starting a unit on biomes and biodiversity.
In Grammar we are working on irregular verbs and predicate nominatives.
In Writing we will be moving into how to write a research paper.
In Reading we have selected two novels that we will work on. 5-6th Grade will be reading “Hatchet” by Gary Paulsen. So far, they have read through Chapter 14 and are working on their reading packets. 7-8th will be reading “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding. This week they are reading through the 9th Chapter.
In Spelling the students are working through the 8th section of the workbooks.