¨ Nov. 24th-26th
No School – Thanksgiving Break
¨ Nov. 30th
Basketball Practice
3:15 – 5:30
¨ Dec. 1st
10:00 start & Parent Drive Morning
¨ Dec. 2nd
Basketball Practice
3:15 – 5:30
¨ Dec. 5th
Church Singing:
8:30 Zion in Hutchinson & 9:50 Immanuel Hutchinson
¨ Dec. 7th
Basketball Practice
3:15 – 5:30
¨ Dec. 9th
Picture Retakes
Thanksgiving Break
We do not have school Wednesday November 24th through Friday November 26th. Happy Thanksgiving!
Basketball starts next week Tuesday November 30th. All children grade 3 – 8 can participate if they so choose. Please let us know if your child would like to play or try out a practice, we already have a list started at school.
A SignUpGenius has been created to coordinate drivers, parents please sign up to help get the kids to practice and games.
10:00 Start & Parent Drive Morning
Looking ahead our next late start and Parent Drive Morning is Wednesday December 1st. If before school care is needed (Latch Key) please contact Brittany Clark: 320-582-3133 or
Church Singing
Sunday December 5th all children Preschool – 8th grade will be singing at Zion Lutheran Church in Hutchinson (be there 8:30) and also at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Hutchinson (be there 9:50)
Zion Lutheran Church
16494 Vale Ave.
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Immanuel Lutheran Church
20882 Walden Ave.
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Preschool Calendars
Calendars have been sent home for December, January, and February. Please return those to Mrs. Eckstrand or Mrs. Nikki as soon as possible.
If you are thinking about giving gift cards this Christmas, please go through this program to help earn money for our school! There are order forms in the entryway of school and Immanuel church. Or you can contact Karen Kohls (Immanuel) 320-444-0170 or Teresa Ross (Grace) 320-305-9262 The last date for ordering to get cards by Christmas is December 12th.
Scholastic Book Orders
Our September book orders are finally be coming in, the website stated they’d get most delayed orders out by the 22nd. We received some Friday and should get another box or two this week. There are a few items that are still on back order.
Picture Re-Takes
Re-takes are scheduled for Thursday December 9th. Order forms will be sent home next week.
Christmas Party
Christmas parties will be on Friday December 17th with a Pizza Lunch provided. We will be having a full day of school this day (no potluck or hodgepodge concert)