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Writer's pictureBrittany Clark

Newsletter 11/1/2023


¨ November 1st

10:00 Start & Parent Drive Morning,

School Board Meeting: 8:00

¨ November 6th

LPS Visits

¨ November 7th

Picture Retakes

¨ November 6th-10th

Parent/Teacher Conferences

¨ November 9th

Nurse Visit

¨ November 12th

School Play & Bake Sale – 3:00,

Call Meeting: 6:00


Is next Tuesday, November 7th. Please let your child/rens teacher know if you will be needing their picture retaken.


Sunday, November 12th at 3:00, students must be to church by 2:40.

Please bring in to school the items you signed up to provide as soon as possible.

Please bring in costumes in a bag with your child’s name on it.

Dress rehearsal will be Friday, November 10th at 9:45 if you can’t make it Sunday.


We will be doing a bake sale again during intermission of the play on November 12th. We ask that each school family bring in either a dozen cookies or a 9x13 pan of UNCUT bars (please no nuts/peanuts). These will need to be brought to the church basement the day of the play.


Letters and brochures have been sent home with a child from each family. Please do your best in the next week or two to hand these out to local businesses or community members.


Conferences are coming up. It is very important that the parents and teachers feel free to openly discuss any concerns or questions concerning the child's education.

A link to sign-up for a time slot has been emailed.


A representative from LPS will be visiting with students on Monday, November 6th. This school is a WELS boarding school that encourages high school age students toward the public gospel ministry (teachers/pastors).


Thursday, November 16th is our annual Forensics meet down at MLC in New Ulm. Forensics meets are basically speech tournaments; the upper graders will perform a demonstration, interpretive reading, storytelling, or group drama that will be judged.

A sign-up will be sent out next week for parent drivers, we will be leaving Immanuel around 1:30. The meet begins at 3:00 and will not be done until the evening – please plan accordingly.


Thursday, November 9th the nurse may be coming to do vision/hearing screening.

PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard

We had a fun week learning all about pumpkins. We measured pumpkins with blocks and traced them to see how big they were. We had a pumpkin race outside, painted pumpkins, and cut them open to find all the seeds. Our favorite this week was properly hammering the golf tees in the pumpkin and making a pattern with candy corn.

We earned enough stars in our star jar to make slime. It was messy but we did love it. Our next reward for earning stars will be a pajama day. I will let everyone know when that day will be when it gets closer. This week we are practicing writing our name and learning more about the different sounds letters make. We have also been practicing our songs that we will perform for you on Sunday November 12th at 3pm, at church.

We have a new memory treasure song we have been learning for a week I will provide for you, Genesis 45:11. Our bible story is Baby Moses.

K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand

This week our Bible lesson focuses on Moses. We learned that his mom trusted God's plan for her baby as she put him in a basket in a river. He was found by the princess, and still raised by his real mom. His mom was able to teach him about God before he moved to the palace with the princess. 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you" Is our memory verse this week.

Kindergarten: For Math we are learning about shapes and not shapes, as well as flat vs solid/3D shapes. In Reading we will be finishing with Alf and Meeting a new superkid. Who could it be and what do we get to explore next?

First grade: Math has us learning more addition rules. During reading we are working with diagraphs and understanding what we're reading.

In Science, we started to explore animals and plants.

Social studies are helping us learn ways the government can help us through people and services.

We made a Luther's seal to celebrate the reformation on Tuesday.

We also enjoyed the snow that came. It's like a whole new playground. Thank you for sending boots and snow gear, it really helps the kids have an active recess. 😊

2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach

This week in Word of God, we see how God continues to show his almighty power by saving the Israelites from Egyptian oppression. We studied the 10 plagues and the crossing of the Red Sea.

In math, 2nd graders are creating and playing a matching memory game to review recent concepts.

3rd grade has worked through strategies to use when multiplying by each number 1-10! They continue to study flashcards to become fluent. 4th grade is working on the theory behind multiplication, being able to draw pictures to show what the multiplication means.

2nd grade is finishing up their first chapter book in their reading groups. They will do a project with their group to show their comprehension of the book. 3-4 have started a Grammar unit. We will do grammar Monday-Thursday now, and we will set aside Fridays for teaching literary elements with picture books.

In Science, we are studying the states of matter, creating a states of matter model, and we will observe the changing of states by making hot chocolate in my instant pot later this week!

We have been spending a lot of time learning the songs and lines for the musical, "Go Fish!". We have the stage and costumes now!

5-8th: Mr. Holz

Hello Parents, Family and Friends

In Math, 5th Graders are working through division problems where you divide by a two-digit number. 6th Graders are working on multiplying decimals and have covered scientific notation. 7th Graders are working on a review to prepare for their next test. 8th Graders are working on conversions, ratios and proportions.

In Geography we will soon be wrapping up the 50 states and having a final test of all 50.

In Music the students are working through new hand chime songs and reviewing the Salute to the Armed forces Medley.

In Science we are working on a unit about plant development.

In Grammar we are continuing to work on prepositions and are now moving into verb phrases and direct objects.

In Writing we are working on writing our forensic presentations.

In Reading we have selected two novels that we will work on. 5-6th Grade will be reading “Hatchet” by Gary Paulsen. So far, they have read through Chapter 11 and are working on their reading packets. 7-8th will be reading “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding. This week they are reading through the 8th Chapter.

In Spelling the students are working through the 5th section of the workbooks.

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