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Writer's pictureBrittany Clark

Newsletter 10/26/2023


¨ October 27th

Fall Festival

¨ November 1st

10:00 Start & Parent Drive Morning

¨ November 6th-10th

Parent/Teacher Conferences

¨ November 12th

School Play & Bake Sale – 3:00

¨ November 22-24th


Thanksgiving Break


Our annual Fall Festival party is Friday, October 27th. Games and activities will be planned for the afternoon. Children may bring costumes to *change in to after lunch*. A permission slip has been sent home to allow your child/children to ride on a hayride, this has been cancelled due to the weather forecast.


A link has been emailed to sign up if you are able to provide any of the items needed for our upcoming play.

These must be brought in to school by October 30th.

We will be doing a bake sale again during intermission of the play. We ask that each school family bring in either a dozen cookies or a 9x13 pan of UNCUT bars (please no nuts/peanuts). These will need to be brought to the church basement the day of the play, November 12th.

Costume information has been emailed as well. Please bring these in by November 1st in a bag with your child’s on it.


Conferences are coming up. It is very important that the parents and teachers feel free to openly discuss any concerns or questions concerning the child's education.

Two conference periods are scheduled each year, one in the fall after first quarter and one in the spring after third quarter. At least one parent is expected to come to these meetings to discuss the progress of their child. At times during the year the teacher may request a special conference with the parents just as the parents may request a conference with the teacher.

A link to sign-up for a time slot will be emailed.


Our next 10:00 start and drive morning is Wednesday, November 1st.

This is a parent drive morning; afternoon buses will run as normal.

SNACK: since this is a late start we do not provide or eat snack at school.

Lunch will be provided as usual.

PRESCHOOL: this is a full day option only.

If Latchkey is needed (before school care) please let me know as soon as possible

PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard

There have been fun changes to the preschool room over MEA break. Our dramatic play area is now a pumpkin patch. In the pumpkin patch they get to color on a pumpkin then wipe it off with a sponge, wash the pumpkins in the sink, and pick a pumpkin with the wheelbarrow. I have also set up a question of the day. When they arrive at school, they will find their name and put their name on the board to answer the question. A parent or teacher can help them read the question.

This week we have been talking about leaves. On Monday we went on a nature hike and found some fun things outside. On Tuesday we took some of the things we found on our nature hike and tested to see if they can sink or float. We also tested pumpkins, apples and toys we found around the room. On Wednesday we did a three step art craft. First, we glued the trunk, drew on the branches and painted the leaves.

This week we focused on the letter L and the shape Oval.

Our bible focus this week is Joesph and his special gift.

K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand

The last 2 weeks out Bible lessons have continued through Joseph's life in Egypt. We learned that he went from being in prison to being the 2nd pharaoh in charge, because God gave him the wisdom to interpret dreams and lead the country. He then reunites with his brothers that sold him many years before. Instead of being angry and trying to get back at them, Joseph forgave his brothers. He invited their families and his dad and all their household to come and live with him in Egypt so that he could take care of them during the 7-year famine. Our memory verse this week is Ephesians 4:32 “Be one another forgiving each other”.

Kindergarten: In Math we took our Ch. 3 test on the numbers 1-10, counting one more, and ordinal numbers. We will begin Ch 4 by investigating shapes and solids. In Reading we are still going on Aa adventures with Alf. We will really use our imagination to turn a city into a jungle.

1st grade: We finally made it through our subtraction and Ch 2 test. We are moving forward with Addition properties and 3 number addition. For reading we are still looking at -ch, -tch words and adding -sh to our diagraph sounds. Watch for more writing to come through in their folders.

In Science we will be doing some experiments with apples and candy pumpkins. In social studies we will finish our rules and laws chapter.

We did our computer Map testing last week and everyone made it through :) At this level it is really more about learning how to do it and getting used to the format.

We are working every day on our Musical with the 2-4 grades. Please bring costumes to school once you have them. Let me know if there are any parts of the costume that you need assistance with. The kids are really working hard to put on a great show!

2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach

This week in Word of God, we see how God chooses Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian oppression. As we so often do, Moses felt like he was not good enough to do what God asked of him. We are reminded that it is God who works in us to do what he has planned for us.

In math, 2nd graders are learning about expanded form and different ways of representing 3-digit numbers.

3rd grade continues to work through multiplication strategies. They are understanding it so well! 4th grade is also reviewing multiplication strategies.

3 and 4 finished reading "How to Eat Fried Worms" and are working on a final project this week, a comic strip that shows a major scene from the book.

In Science, we will finish solar system models and will begin to learn about the states of matter by reading about them and observing them in the classroom.

We have been spending a lot of time learning the songs and lines for the musical, "Go Fish!". Every day we are making a trip over to church to practice with K-1.

5-8th: Mr. Holz

Hello Parents, Family and Friends

In Math, 5th Graders are working through division problems and how to check their work with multiplication. 6th Graders are working on adding and subtracting decimals. 7th Graders are working to change fractions into decimals and vice versa. 8th Graders working on conversions and ratios.

In Geography we will soon be wrapping up the 50 states and having a final test of all 50.

In Music the students are working through new hand chime songs.

In Science we are working on a unit about plant development.

In Grammar we are continuing to work on prepositions and are now moving into verb phrases.

In Writing we are working on writing an autobiography. The writing also contains a version of two truths and a lie. The students have to add a part to their story that did not happen. This is to challenge them to use their writing skills to hide this part so I am unable to guess which part is not true. The autobiography is continuing into a section that includes goals for the future.

In Reading we have selected two novels that we will work on. 5-6th Grade will be reading “Hatchet” by Gary Paulsen. So far, they have read through Chapter 10 and are working on their reading packets. 7-8th will be reading “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding. This week they are reading through the 7th Chapter.

In Spelling the students are working through the 4th section of the workbooks.

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