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Newsletter 10/2/2024

Writer's picture: Brittany ClarkBrittany Clark


¨  October 2nd 

Early Release – 1:00

¨  October 3rd 

Soccer Game at Northwoods: 3:45

¨  October 6th 

Singing at Zion Lutheran Church,

Be there at 8:30

¨  October 7th 

Volleyball Game AT PLS in Fairfax: 4:00 & 4:45

PTF Meeting: 6:30

¨  October 8th 

Soccer Game at Arlington: 4:15

Volleyball Practice (A-team) 3:30-5:00


Our first Early Release Day is TODAY Wednesday, October 2nd.  School will be dismissed at 1:00. Bussing will still be available as well as Latchkey.

If you aren’t already signed up to attend latchkey and will need after school care, please contact the school at 320-587-4858 or



Our first Sunday is October 6th at Zion Lutheran church just south of Hutchinson, service begins at 8:45, please arrive by 8:30 and meet in the basement.

Since this is a smaller church, we are asking that only 1st-8th graders attend

We know there are many churches that feed into our school family, we understand if you are able to sing but need to leave after.  All are welcome to stay for the entire service. (This is one of the smaller church’s we sing at so seating will be limited.)  



Please remember there is no practice or game on Thursday, 10/3/24.

Monday, 10/7/24 we have a game AT Prairie Lutheran School and will be both B & A team. I am still in need of drivers for this date and the remainder of the week’s A-team practices.



If you haven’t signed your approval for the Nelson farm field trip on 10/8/24, please see the teachers at drop-off or pick-up. Please also remember to bring in your $10 payment.

2023-2024 YEARBOOKS

ALL Yearbooks from last year have been reprinted due to pages falling out. This week we will send home with students the replacements.



There is still time! This year we will be partnering with SchoolStore to raise funds for tools our students and teachers need in the classroom. Participation is easy through their 100% online email campaign, and your child can earn points towards great prizes.



This year, our class is reading with Scholastic Book Clubs! You’ll have access to expertly curated, affordable books that help boost your child’s reading skills, build your home library, and maybe even create moments of quality time you can share together.

Plus place an order of $25 or more and you can pick a FREE $5 book (use code READS at checkout).

Family Order Due Date: 10/18/2024

Shop Our Class Page: 

Shop Flyers: 

Invite relatives and friends to help your child discover the joy of reading when you share our class page link. Every order benefits our classroom, helping us earn FREE books and resources that every child can enjoy.

Thanks so much for your support!



MEA break is fast approaching! 

There will be no school Wednesday, 10/16/24 through Friday, 10/18/24. 

PRESCHOOL (3): Miss Lokensgard

October is here!! Our room is decorated with all the fall things. Our dramatic play is set up to look like a pumpkin patch and the science area is an apple orchard. In the sensory table are pie tins with kinetic sand and apples to make apple pie.  On the science table are felt cutouts to make apple trees. This week is all about Apples. We are going to learn all the parts of the apples and on Thursday we will be doing an apple taste test.  Friday, I have an apple sticker activity and ripping paper art craft. 

We are also focusing on the letter Hh, shape triangle, number 5, and the color black. 

The activity center has apple number games, and Hh phonics coloring sheet and making apple patterns. 

On Tuesday we will meet the other preschooler room on the playground to do an obstacle course.  

We are also learning how to make music beats with our hands and sticks. We sing fun songs while making music. Miss Crestin brought her ukulele to play for us during music time.  

The Bible story this week is Abraham Counts the stars.

Our memory treasure is I trust in you O Lord Psalm 31:14.


PRESCHOOL (4): Mrs. Dragt

This week preschoolers are learning the letter Hh, number 5, color purple and the shape rectangle.

Monday- In science we learned all the different parts of an apple by dissecting them!

Tuesday- We worked on writing the letter Hh and in movement we did an obstacle course with hurdles, bunny hops, balancing and running.

Wednesday- For art we made apple trees out of sticks, pom poms and toilet paper rolls. For our small group we did a color by number with surprise apples as our picture.

Thursday- For our Jesus activity we made a night light with the stars Abraham counted in the sky. We also worked on writing the number 5.

Friday- Show and share this week is bring in something that is a rectangle. We also worked on tracing our names and making sure we stay in the writing lines of our papers.

Our bible lesson is Abraham Counts the Stars. God promised Abraham and his wife Sarah that they would have a family with as many people in it as there are stars in the sky.

Memory Treasure With God all things are possible Matthew 19:26


K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand

This week our Bible lesson is Jacob's Beautiful Dream.  We began learning that Jacob had to run away from his brother Esau after stealing the birthright.  He is running to his Uncle Laban's, when he has a dream and wrestles with God.  Jacob learns directly from God that God will always be by our side, even when we mess up.  Our memory treasure is Matthew 28:20b "And surely I am with you always until the end of the age"  

In Reading this week the Kindergarteners are working on their listening skill with some readiness assessments.  They also get to visit Mrs. Koupmeiners to set their baselines for growth.  1st grade is all set for Spelling: Review Unit, and will finish their review unit this week.  

In Math, Kindergarten will finish number 1-5 with a test on Tuesday.  They will move on to directional and positional words.  1st grade continues to add using multiple strategies.  

In Social Studies we met Sacagawea and discussed immigrants and what country our families might have come from.  In Science, we will talk about ways the Earth changes.  

In Writing, we will be making lists and adding details to their list items.  

In Geography, we will continue our MN study with "Fun things to do in MN".

2-4th: Mr. Loersch

Hello Parents and Students!

This week in Word of God we’re learning about the perfect life of Jesus as he resists the devil's temptations in the desert and goes on to perform miracles, bringing many people to faith. In 2nd-grade math, we are working with reading and creating our own picture graphs. 3rd-grade math is learning to multiply with different numbers. If you have time, work on those math facts at home! The 4th graders begin a new module focusing on multiplicative comparisons.In Language Arts, 2nd graders are continuing work in their Super Kids books as we learn about vowel teams that have a long vowel sound.

3-4th grade Language Arts is continuing to study verbs and verb phrases to round out our grammar unit. We are studying helping verbs, identifying verb phrases, and regular/irregular verbs this week.In Art class, we are adding color to our birch tree forests by blending with oil pastels. The oil pastels continue our study of color.In Science class, we continue our Earth Science unit with weather and climate. The students are tracking the weather throughout the week in a weekly log. 


5-8th: Mr. Holz

Hello Parents, Family and Friends

In Math, 5th Graders are moving into Chapter 3 which covers decimals. 6th Graders are moving into Chapter 3. 7th Graders are working with algebraic expressions and tables. 8th Graders are moving into multi-step equations.

In Science, we have moved into Earth Science and are studying the structure of the Earth. Our next topic will be the layers of the atmosphere and weather patterns. 

In Social Studies we are studying the countries of Europe.

In Music we have finished with the songs that we will sing for church. We are now working on the basics of Music Theory such as types of notes, how to draw a staff, and basic counting. 

In Grammar the 5th-6th Graders are working on nouns. The 7th-8th Graders are working on verbs. 

In Reading, we have started our novels. 7th-8th Graders are reading The Magicians Nephew. 5th-6th are reading The Giver. 

In Spelling, we are working on the third lesson. The spelling tests are every Friday.

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Immanuel Grace Lutheran School provides a Christ-centered education based in the Lutheran tradition. We pursue the highest academic standards with a Christian environment.

Phone: 320-587-4858



20849 Walden Ave

Hutchinson, MN 55350

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