¨ January 19th
Basketball Practice,
B: 3:30 – 5:00 &
A: 3:30 – 5:30
Cheerleading Practice, 3:30 – 4:00
Nurse Visit: Rescreens and Nutrition Presentation
¨ January 24th
Basketball Game AT Immanuel in Gaylord, 4:00
¨ January 26th
Basketball Game AT Trinity in Nicollet, 4:30
Keep selling! We have handed out 5 calendars/family. Each family is asked to sell the 5 given to them or as many as possible (extra will be in my office), we are selling them for only $10/calendar!
Money or checks should be brought into the school and either given to a teacher or to the secretary. Any unsold can be brought back into the office as well or if you'd like extra sent home, please let us know. Thank you!
During our last PTF meeting we discussed activities for our upcoming Christian Education week (Feb. 27th - March 3rd). One of the days we were hoping to do some sort of small workshops that would be fun and interesting for the kids (crafting, demonstrations, talents). If you or someone you know would be interested in volunteering, please let us know.
Scrip is a great way to pay for everyday purchases using gift cards in place of cash, checks, and credit cards and the school receives money back to put towards field trips and activities.
This is a yearlong fundraiser and cards can be bought at any time.
Order forms are located in the entryway of school and in the narthex of Immanuel Lutheran Church. Or you can order directly from:
Karen Kohls (Immanuel) or 320-444-0170
Teresa Ross (Grace) or 320-305-9262
Mrs. Eckstrand’s Room
This week our Jesus story is The Parable of the Good Samaritan. We learned that no matter who it is, a person that needs help is our neighbor and we should help them. "Love your neighbor as yourself" is our memory treasure this week.
For Movement, we are finishing up moving like Arctic animals. We are sliding, flopping, pouncing, running and howling.
This week we are working on our quarterly assessments. The 4-Preschool and Kindergarten will all be playing their dot games.
We are welcoming a Thursday MLC student for the next 2 quarters. Miss Abel will be here starting tomorrow. The children are excited to teach her how to teach 😊
Monthly e-mail will be coming this week 😊
Preschool: is working on letter Dd for donut, door, down, and dinosaur. We are writing number 17, "long line down, go back up, across the sky diagonal from heaven, 17 put on those jeans!"
Kindergarten: We are finally finishing comparing numbers and will be taking our Ch. 6 Math test. In Reading we are still imagining and gathering information with Icky.
Mrs. Utsch’s Room
In 1st grade Math we read a picture graph and read a tally table. In Reading we read CVCe words with -ed and -ing endings.
In 2nd grade Math we represented addition of two-digit numbers with and without regrouping. In Reading class, we read words with -ight, -aught, and -ought, and learned parts of a dictionary entry; pronunciation and multiple definitions.
In 3rd grade Math we used rounding and compatible numbers to add and subtract. In Reading we are reading the novel “Ramona Quimby, Age 8” by Beverly Cleary.
In Religion we heard how the Samaritan showed love by helping a man who was hurt. God wants us to be good neighbors who love and help others. We also heard how a king expected his servant to forgive as he had been forgiven. God has forgiven our sins, and he expects us to forgive others.
Mr. Gephart’s Room
Hi Parents, Family, and Friends,
Here is a look into the classroom this week.
In reading, the 4th-5th graders are reading “Holes”. What do holes have anything to do with breaking the law? The 6th-8th graders are reading “Number the Stars”. It is a book about a Jewish girl in Denmark during WWII.
In Grammar this week we are learning about adjectives.
In Math, the 4th graders are learning about multiplication. The 5th graders are finding least common multiples to help us get ready for fractions. The 6th graders are working with rates, ratios, and proportions. The 7th graders are learning about percents, decimals, and fractions. The 8th graders are working with exponents.
This semester, Geography will take the place of science. This year, we will be studying Europe and Asia.
In History, the upper graders are studying ancient civilizations. We are currently on ancient Rome. The lower graders are learning about the start of the United States. We are studying the early British colonies.
In Writing, we are practicing persuasive paragraphs.
Next Week’s schedule - Spelling Lesson 20, Memory Work - 1 Corinthians 10:13
Monday - 4th Math Test (Ch.10)
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Thursday - Spelling Pre-Test, 5th Math Test (Ch.11)
Friday - Spelling Final Test