¨ January 18th
Basketball practice:
3:30 – 5:15
¨ January 19th
Please pack a cold lunch for your child/ren
¨ January 22nd
Basketball practice:
3:30 – 5:15
¨ January 23rd
Basketball Game: HOME vs PLS
4:00 (A-team only)
¨ January 25th
Basketball Game: AT St. Paul’s in Arlington
4:00 & 5:00
Friday, January 19th please pack your child/ren a cold lunch.
There is a funeral being held at Immanuel Lutheran Church and therefore we cannot serve lunch this day as we are not approved to serve at school yet. Thank you for being flexible!
Drinking fountains are not usable at the moment as the water is not drinkable. Please have your child/ren bring a filled water bottle to school each day, we do have filling stations available to refill throughout the day. Once the well can run more water through, we will be testing the water again.
Our next meeting to call a teacher for the 2024-2025 school year is Sunday, January 21st, 7:00 at Immanuel Grace Lutheran SCHOOL.
Please remember to pack ALL your child/rens cold weather clothing every day: hats, gloves, boots, snow pants. If it is very cold the children will have indoor recess however, they still need to walk over to church for lunch most days.
The Spring Play, which consists of the 5-8 play “Madhouse!” and songs by the lower grades, has been moved to April 21st.
This is also when we will do our silent auction fundraiser. For the silent auction we ask that each family contribute an auction item. These could be tickets to an event, gift basket, art or craft, signed memorabilia, donated items from a local business, home décor items… These must be brought into church the week before, so we have time to catalog and set-up. A letter has been emailed to give or send if you’d like a certain business or person to donate which is tax-deductible.
PRESCHOOL: Miss Lokensgard
We are adjusting well to the new school. We love our new toys and activities. Last week and this week we are learning about snow and ice. On Tuesday we painted with frozen paint and on Wednesday we froze water to make water popsicles. Yum!
For our art activity we will be dabbing paint with a Q-Tip to make a snowman. Thursday is our name activity. We will be building a snowman with our letters in each circle. We will get to see who has the longest name. Later this week I will be changing our sensory table to SNOW. It's too cold to go outside so we will be having a snow experience inside.
This week we are focusing on the letter Jj and the number 7. At the activity center we are building the letter and number with gems. We are also practicing our cutting skills and counting skills with blocks.
Our bible focuses this week on Jesus going to church.
K-1st: Mrs. Eckstrand
Wow, we love our new classroom! We are already into our normal routine.
This week our bible story is Jesus goes to the temple. We learned that Jesus was always perfect even as a child and he always listened to his parents, even his heavenly father. He put God’s word first by going and worshipping at the temple, then his earthly parents as they went home to live in Nazareth. Ephesians 6:1 “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.”
Both grades get to take Math tests this week! Kindergarten is working on numbers 10 to 20, splitting 10s and 1s, and learning to read number words. 1st grade practiced making lots of word problems into equations and will move on to bar models.
For Reading 1st is focusing on narrative writing as well as ed saying d and t. Spelling test is January 24th. Kindergarten is finishing Icky for /i/ and working on middle vowel sounds. They will meet triple friends this week – ask them who.
In Social Studies we looked at land and water formations.
In Science we took a “test” on animal life cycles and the different kinds of animals.
2-4th: Mrs. Ungemach
This week in Word of God the 2-4 class is learning about consequences that the Israelites endured because they grumbled against and disobeyed God. The Bronze Snake lesson is a beautiful picture of though we deserve punishment for our sins, we look to Jesus who took on the punishment for us.
In Math, 2nd graders are learning about time, 3rd grade is working on finding the unknown value in a multiplication or division problem, and 4th grade is multiplying using partial products.
We have switched from Science to Social Studies! We are learning about Native Americans and will start a project where 2-3rd grade will make posters and 4th grade will create a Google Presentation.
In Language Arts, 3-4 will begin reading "Dear Mr. Henshaw". 2nd grade continues to read in small groups and they are learning about what we call "long vowel tricksters" (child, gold, kind, etc...)
To prepare for Art class this week, we read "Martin's Big Words", a picture book that weaves some of Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous words with the story of his life and work. Our art project will reflect what we learned about freedom in the United States in honor of MLK.
5-8th: Mr. Holz
Hello Parents, Family and Friends
In Math, 5th Graders are starting to study for their Chapter 5 Test. 6th Graders are moving into Chapter 5 which deals with using fractions in different wats. 7th Graders are working through unit conversions. 8th Graders are working on linear and non-linear equations.
We will be starting a new history unit in the coming weeks.
In Music we will continue studying types of notes and key signatures.
In Science we have finished our biome unit.
In Grammar we are working on the plurals of nouns and the rules that apply to different noun endings.
In Writing we will be moving into how to write a research paper.
In Reading we will soon be starting new novels for both groups. We are currently working on the play during this time block.
In Spelling the students are working through the 13th section of the workbooks.