¨ October 13th
Volleyball Practice – A Team only
3:15 – 5:00
¨ October 15th
Volleyball Tournament, A Team only at MVL in New Ulm
¨ October 19th – 21st
¨ October 28th
Fall Festival
¨ November 2nd
10:00 Start &
Parent Drive Morning
Sign-up sheets have been sent home, this is a yearlong fundraiser and very easy to participate. Plus, the kids get prizes!
October 19th – 21st we do not have school for MEA Weekend.
Parent Night Talk: How to talk to your kids about healthy relationships and sex.
Tuesday, October 25th starting at 6:00 PM at Immanuel Lutheran Church, childcare will be provided by upper graders of Immanuel Lutheran School. All are welcome to attend!
The Healthy Choices program as part of WELS Lutherans for Life will be in school this week to discuss multiple subjects. It empowers middle & high school students to make godly, healthy choices and avoid risky behaviors.
Our Fall Festival party is Friday, October 28th. Pizza lunch will be provided. Children can change into costumes after lunch with activities and games in the afternoon.
Our next church will be Grace Lutheran Church in Hutchinson on November 6th, church starts at 9:00 so please be there by 8:45 in the basement. If you cannot attend, please fill out the “excused note” that was sent home.
Has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 8th.
Play scripts have been sent home:
1-3rd is doing "A Tree called Aesop” Sunday, November 13th at 3:00. All grades (PreK-8th) should be to Immanuel Lutheran Church by 2:30 to get ready.
Mrs. Eckstrand’s Room
In Science we learned about how lightning makes thunder and made our own thunder hands.
In Social Studies we are going to start learning about where we live.
In Art we used our torn paper and cutting to make our own stone tablets.
In Movement we have begun throwing balls and will be getting our aiming down as we remember to throw opposite/across.
Preschool: the letter for this week is Uu: umbrella, United states, umbrella bird, utensils. Our number this week is 1, "Long line down, shhhhwoop".
Kindergarten: We are learning about ending sounds with Golly and are putting more letters together to read. Miss Cabeza is able to teach some reading too now! In Math we will finish writing and breaking apart 6-10.
Mrs. Utsch’s Room
In 1st grade Math we showed that we can add numbers in any order and still get the same sum and used strategies to add 3 numbers. In Reading we identified final ng, read words with ng, and recognized ng spelling patterns.
In 2nd grade Math we wrote three-digit numbers in different ways, identified the hundreds, tens, and ones in three-digit numbers, and described the values of digits in numbers to 1,000. In Reading class, we compared the /s/ and /z/ sounds, determined how to make a word plural, and determined how many syllables are in a word.
In 3rd grade math we identified strategies to multiply with the factors, 7, 8, and 9 and we used various strategies to help us solve multiplication problems. In Reading we are reading the novel “Sarah, Plain and Tall” by Patricia MacLachlan.
In Religion we learned that Jesus taught Nicodemus that through faith people receive eternal life. The Holy Spirit works faith through Baptism and God’s Word. We study God’s Word regularly to strengthen our faith. Jesus showed his love for a Samaritan woman by teaching her that he is the Savior. Every sinner is important to God and to us. We eagerly tell others about God’s gracious gift of salvation.
Mr. Gephart’s Room
Hi Parents, Family, and Friends,
Here is a look into the classroom this week.
In Reading the 4th-5th graders are reading “Because of Winn-Dixie”. How does a dog effect the life of a young girl? The 6th-8th graders are reading “The Egypt Game”. A love of everything Egypt turns into an epic game and adventure.
In Grammar the students are learning about regular and irregular verbs.
In Math the 4th graders are learning about multiplication facts. The 5th graders are working on long division. The 6th graders are multiplying decimals. The 7th graders are working with fractions. The 8th graders are working with proportions.
In Science the 4th-5th graders are learning about light. The 6-8th grades are learning about the circulatory system.
In History the upper graders are studying ancient civilizations. We are currently on ancient Egypt. The lower graders are learning about the start of the United States. We are studying the early Explorers.
In Writing we are practicing brainstorming about qualities of a hero.
Next Week’s schedule - Spelling Lesson 8, Memory Work - 1 Corinthians 10:31
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday - No School
Thursday - No School
Friday - No School